
To Mrs. A. E. Magee

May her soul be happy!

O thou afflicted one!

In this great catastrophe [1] the eyes are weeping and the hearts are burning, because that incomparable plant was growing and developing with infinite joy and fragrance in the garden of the love of God. She was stirred into cheerfulness by the wafting of the breeze of providence; day by day she was progressing, and she was at all times the cause of the consolation of the hearts of the friends. I will never forget her, for she was one of the most important personages. But it was destined that she might become free from this material world, the world of physical sufferings and tribulations, and hasten toward the heavenly universe, so that through the showers of the cloud of grace she may obtain the utmost freshness and infinite delicacy and yield luscious fruits. Consequently be thou not unhappy, nor be thou grieved, for she is not counted amongst the dead. Nay rather she was dead, she became alive; she was evanescent, she became eternal; she was earthly, she became heavenly; she lived in the material world, she became wholly spiritual. Like unto a bird she was a prisoner and captive in the cage of this body. This cage was broken; that bird winged its way heavenward, and in the celestial rose-garden she became the associate and companion of other divine birds. Thou shalt find her in that rose-garden with the utmost joy and fragrance.

Convey on my behalf the utmost kindness and love to Mr. and Mrs. Inglis. I beg of God that in this affliction He may bestow upon them patience and consolation, and that they may educate their dear son in accord with their highest and purest standard.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

[1] Refers to the death of her daughter, Harriet Magee.

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 19, March 2, 1917)


To the maid-servant of God, Miss MacCutcheon

Upon her be greeting and praise!

Thy letter was received. On account of the death of thy father and brother the utmost sorrow and regret was produced. How unfortunate it is that that young man was killed instantly by the sudden shock! But his spirit flew from this world into the world beyond and the spirit of thy father soared toward the heavenly realm. Be thou not sad or unhappy for these two heavenly birds flew toward the rose-garden of eternity and attained to the infinite immensity of the Kingdom. Although those two lamps were extinguished in the earthly glass yet they became the enkindled lamps in the everlasting lamp of the Kingdom. At this moment they are in the utmost state of joy and happiness and so they shall be throughout all eternity. Consequently do thou not grieve nor be thou dispirited.

Convey my longing greeting to all the friends of God.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 19, March 2, 1917)


For Germany: To the friends of God (Revealed to Mrs. Alice Schwarz, Stuttgart)

Upon them be greeting and praise!

O ye true friends and ye who are firm in the love of God!

Although it has been a long time since I have written you a letter of any kind, the heart and soul were nevertheless in constant communication, and I supplicated to the Kingdom of Abha that you might be protected and preserved.

Although the unrests of the world are limitless and boundless, my hope is nevertheless that they may end and the dark clouds disappear from the horizon of the universe and that the sun of peace and unity may shine above all horizons.

We must under no circumstances be prevented from praying and the mentioning of God. We must always be enraptured with the fire of the love of God, be attracted by His Knowledge and be heralds of His Words, so that His invisible confirmations like unto the breeze of dawn, become the cause of spiritual life.

Pray then, that the universe may become a new universe and this dark world a world of light.

Convey my greatest love and affection, greetings and praise to all the friends.

Upon ye all be greetings and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 17, January 19, 1917)


To Mr. Fred Mortensen, Minneapolis, Minn

Upon him be Baha'u'l-Abha!

O thou illumined youth!

Thy letter was received. Its perusal produced the utmost joy; for its contents indicated faith and its significances were proofs of firmness in the Covenant. That trip of thine from Minneapolis to Green Acre will never be forgotten.[1] Its mention will be recorded eternally in books and works of history. Therefore, be thou happy that, praise be to God, thou hast an illumined heart, a living spirit and art vivified with a merciful breath. Convey my greeting, longing and respect to the Editor of Labor Review and say: "This paper of yours in the future ages will become superior to all the newspapers of the world, because you have published in its columns the proclamation of the kingdom of Abha. I hope thou wilt become assisted to promote the teachings of Baha'u'llah. Then thou wilt observe that this paper has become a luminous star and the cause of the illumination of the hearts of humanity."

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 17, January 19, 1917)

[1] Refers to his riding on the bumpers between railway baggage cars and on freight trains from Minneapolis, Minn., to Green Acre, Maine, in order to see ‘Abdu’l-Baha


To Mr. and Mrs. Harlan F. Ober

O ye two firm ones in the Covenant!

Although we are living in the holy land and you are dwelling in the United States, yet the spiritual relations and the communication of the hearts are firm and steadfast because the unity of the Divine Essence has bonded us together. In this material world we are cemented together and, God willing, in the Universe of God, the world of the Kingdom, we will be the associates and intimates of each other. Truly I say Mr. Ober rendered a great service to the Kingdom of God and undertook a long and arduous trip to India, and during our stay in America, Mrs. Ober served with heart and soul. Both of them are encircled with the Divine Favors and are firm and steadfast in the lordly Covenant.

Upon ye be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 17, January 19, 1917)


To the maid-servant of God, Doctor Pauline Barton-Peeke

Upon her be greetings and praise!

O thou the inheritor of the great, respected Mrs. Peeke!

Although that beloved maid-servant of God ascended from this mortal world to the world of immortality, praise be to God, she left thee behind as a token of herself. All the dwellers of the Kingdom and myself are pleased with thy services to the Kingdom of God. Truly I say the believers of God and thyself are displaying every effort in the promotion of the teachings of God in Cleveland. The evidence demonstrating this fact is that you have not forgotten us, nay rather with the utmost exertion and endeavor you are engaged in the service of Truth. Thank ye God that ye are confirmed therein. Ere long ye shall observe most important results and ye will behold the doors of the everlasting glory open before your faces. I am ever expecting to receive good news from you and the Cleveland believers, and in your behalf I supplicate and entreat toward the Kingdom of God, that every one of you may become ignited with the fire of the love of God and bestow the light of guidance upon that region and continent.

Upon ye be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 17, January 19, 1917)


To the maid-servant of God, Miss A. Boylan

Upon her be greeting and praise!

O thou who art firm in the Covenant!

Although it is a long time that I have not written a letter to that steadfast one in the Testament, still thou art ever before the sight and never forgotten. Now and then letters are being received from those friends that, praise be to God, they are engaged in service and are holding in their hands the candle of guidance, dispelling the darkness of superstitions and doubts. Convey to the dear daughter, Mrs. Krug, my respectful greeting. Some time ago I wrote her a brief note. It is hoped that her illumined meeting is still continued and the maid-servants of the Merciful gather in that assembly and are occupied in the commemoration of His Highness, the Almighty, are engaged in the establishment of unity and concord. Those days that meetings were held in her home and I used to present myself there and talk with the friends of God shall never be forgotten.

Upon thee and upon her be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 17, January 19, 1917)


To the maid-servant of God, Mrs. Georgia Ralston

O thou spiritual daughter of the Kingdom!

The letter that thou hast written to Mirza Ahmad Sohrab was perused. It imparted exceeding joy, joy to the heart, for it contained very good news, that, praise be to God, the friends of God, notwithstanding the interruption of the means of correspondence, are in the state of the utmost joy and fragrance. This must indeed be the condition of those souls who have entered the Kingdom. They must not be discouraged by any obstacles, nay, rather, they must, day by day, increase their attraction and enkindlement, for confirmations are descending upon them from the heavenly Spirit. You must be firm and steadfast to such a degree that not only the interruption of the means of communication, but should ‘Abdu’l-Baha hasten from this world to another world and soar from this mortal prison to the immortal rose-garden, none of you must be shaken or disturbed; nay, rather, moment after moment the strength of heart be augmented and firmness and steadfastness be increased. For when the lamp of the love of God is ignited in the heart, its flame must become purer and whiter day by day—thus from head to foot he may become a torch of flaming fire. When his holiness the Bab and his holiness Baha’u'llah ascended to the Supreme Concourse, the intensity of the fire of the service of the friends of God became an hundred fold and in the assemblages of humanity they shone out with the utmost sanctity and purity. I hope you will likewise attain to such a station.

Convey longing greetings, on my behalf, to each and all the friends. Should we enjoy life after this war, we shall correspond with all the believers.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 17, January 19, 1917)


Tablet revealed by 'Abdu'l-Baha

 He is God!

O God! O God! Thou dost behold me, how my forehead is laid upon the dust of humility and submission and how my face is covered in the ground of the threshold of thy singleness. O thou my Lord, the Unconstrained! Thou seest me lowly and contrite, supplicating, entreating and imploring toward the Kingdom of thy light by day and by night, that thou encircle us with the eye of thy providence and the glances of the outlook of thy mercifulness.

O Lord! Forgive our sins, pardon our shortcomings and deal with us through thy grace and generosity under all circumstances. O our Lord! We are sinners, but thou art the merciful forgiver. We are transgressors, but thou art the clement pardoner. Absolve our iniquities, remove our sorrows, destine for us through thy bestowal severance from the world, occupation with thy mentioning, enkindlement with the fire of thy love, perpetual contemplation of thy signs, the knowledge of thy words, meditation over thy verses and the attraction of thy lights.

O Lord! O Lord! These are thy servants; they have turned their faces toward thy countenance and they have resolved their joy and happiness in thy favor and bounty. Strengthen their backs in thy obedience. Reinforce their lives in thy adoration. Perfume their hearts with the fragrances of thy holiness. Ordain for them presence in the paradise of thy meeting. Suffer them to become such servants as peruse the verses of unity in the assemblages held in thy name; that attract the rays of singleness from the lamp of thy bestowal; as those drawn towards thy beauty, humble before thy glory; who have abandoned aught else save thee and are relying upon thy protection and preservation; as those rendered meek by the sway of thy Word, made submissive before thy beloved ones; as those diffusing thy fragrances, disclosing thy mysteries, informing people with thy teachings and suffering mankind to become rejoiced through thy glad-tidings. Verily, thou art powerful over that which thou wiliest and thou feedest whomsoever thou desirest with thy hand. The world and the Kingdom belong to thee and thou art the mighty, the omnipotent and the beloved!

O ye believers of God! O ye dear friends of ‘Abdu’l-Baha!


Portion of a Tablet to Mrs. Cora Ditmars, of Spokane, Washington

O thou happy and blessed one!

In this holy Cause the question of the education and the maintenance of the orphans has the utmost importance. Towards the orphans the utmost consideration must be shown, they must be taught and instructed; especially the teachings of his holiness Baha’u’llah must be given freely to every orphan according to the means at hand. I beg of God that to the orphaned children thou mayst become a kind father and mother, to quicken them with the fragrances of the Holy Spirit—thus they may attain to the age of maturity, and each one may become the real servant of the world of humanity—nay rather, they may become as bright candles in the assemblages of mankind.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas 

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 13, November 4, 1916)


To the friends of God, men, women and children in the photograph of the First International Bahai Congress, San Francisco, California

Upon them be greeting and praise!

O you real friends and lovers of the Kingdom of God!

In these days the scroll of the photograph of the blessed faces of those pure souls, which was taken during the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, was received.

Praise be to God that the faces are radiant, indicating the sanctification of the hearts. All those who have looked at the photograph have obtained immediate joy—outflowing, and inexhaustible.

I beg infinite grace from the Kingdom of God for each one of those friends who were present in that gathering, wishing for them heavenly powers so that the members of that congress may irradiate the white rays of the Sun of Reality to all parts and illumine the cities, counties, towns and villages of the United States.

The magnet whereby to attract these favors and bounties, is firmness and steadfastness.

Upon you be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas 

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 13, November 4, 1916)


To “be imbued with the same spiritual state that ‘Abdu’l-Baha manifested while traveling in America”

After my return from America and Europe, owing to the difficulties of the long voyage and the innumerable inconveniences of the journey, a reaction set in and I became sick. Now, through the favor and bounty of the Blessed Perfection, I am feeling better; therefore I am engaged in writing to thee this letter, so that thou mayest realize the friends of God are never forgotten under any circumstances.

Now is the time that the believers of God may imitate the conduct and the manner of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. Day and night they must engage in teaching the Cause of God, but they must be imbued with the same spiritual state that ‘Abdu’l-Baha manifested while traveling in America.

When the teacher delivers an address, first of all his own words must have a supreme and powerful effect over himself, so that every one in turn may be affected. His utterance must be like unto the flame of fire, burning away the veils of dogmas, passion and desire. Moreover, he must be in the utmost state of humility and evanescence, that others may be mindful. He must have attained the station of renunciation and annihilation. Then, and not until then, will he teach the people with the melody of the Supreme Concourse. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)


To the maidservant of God, Mrs. J. P. Addison, Portland, Oregon

Upon her be greeting and praise!

O thou respected maidservant!

The letter that thou hast written to his honor Sohrab was perused. Praise be to God, that it contained the good news of the health and safety of the friends of the Almighty. It was also a proof of their firmness and steadfastness in religion and faith. Thank ye God that ye presented yourselves in the divine International Congress in California and were engaged in the service of the word of God. Consider ye the power and the influence of the celestial teachings that the President of the Exposition expressed his gratitude and thankfulness for your services to the world of humanity. Truly I say the believers of God in that Congress became assisted in the accomplishment of most great services. The photograph of the Congress was also received and imparted great happiness. The persons who delivered speeches at its sessions, such as Dr. F. W. D'Evelyn, Mr. Hooper Harris, Mr. Charles Mason Remey, Mr. Howard MacNutt, Mr. William H. Randall, Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, Mr. Howard C. Ives, Mr. William H. Hoar, Mr. Joseph H. Hannen, Mr. Albert R. Windust, Mr. Alfred E. Lunt, Mr. Albert H. Hall, Mr. Edwin T. Cooper, Mr. Harlan F. Ober, Mr. J. A. Britton, Mrs. Mary Hanford Ford, Mr. William C. Ralston and Mirza Khan—were assisted with divine confirmations and inspired with the powers of the Holy Spirit. The results and spiritual influences of those talks are endless and eternal. They will become apparent in the future.

Likewise the meetings which were held in the city of Portland and the persons who spoke to the various audiences were supremely assisted by the angels of the Supreme Concourse. They scattered pure seeds in that virgin western soil. Truly, I say, Mr. Remey and Mr. Latimer are displaying the utmost effort in the diffusion of the fragrances of God. I supplicate and entreat toward the Kingdom of God and beg for each and all heavenly confirmation and assistance.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)


To his honor Mr. Charles Mason Remey, Washington, D. C.

Upon him be greeting and praise!

O thou herald of Reality!

Thou hast written that thou art spending the winter with thy parents, but thou dost not know thy duty for the spring and summer. The best way is this, in company with his honor Mr. George Latimer travel thou throughout America and the Hawaiian Islands and summon thou the people to the Kingdom of God. The doors of investigation are open and the people of reality are running to and fro. In these days great capacity is witnessed in America and the population is ready to listen to the divine teachings. Synthesize and compose ye in a simple and effective manner the heavenly principles and present them to the listeners in meetings and gatherings. Through the ideal glad-tidings and the lordly suggestions breathe ye a new spirit into the hearts of the friends of God and encourage and incite them in the promotion of the word of God. Convey to all the friends my longing greeting, especially his honor Mr. George Latimer.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)


To Mr. Joseph H. Hannen, Washington, D. C.

Upon him be greeting and praise!

O thou who art firm in the Covenant! Praise be to God, that the friends of God in Washington are occupied in the service of the Kingdom and are displaying perfect firmness and steadfastness in the faith. The meetings which are being organized are in reality the reflections of the Supreme Concourse. The sweet breezes which are wafting toward us from America and the perfumed air which reaches our nostrils from that far off region are most fragrant; therefore they impart joy and happiness to all the hearts.

Convey to his honor Doctor........ my longing greeting and say to him: I have not forgotten his kindness, and it is my hope that, in accord with the divine teachings, he may become the ensign and the flag of the oneness of the world of humanity.

Announce to the maid-servant of God, thy respected wife, my wonderful, glorious greeting.

Upon thee be greeting and praise.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)


To Dr. Zia Bagdadi and Zeenat Khanum (Mrs. Zia M. Bagdadi,) Chicago

O ye two doves of the nest of the Love of God! Although it is a long time that no news has reached us from you, yet we are continually thinking of you. You must at least send us a monthly post card giving us in brief the news of your health and safety and the spirituality of the friends of God. For this will become conducive to the happiness of the hearts. Praise be to God, that under the shade of divine Providence we are safe and enjoy good health, expressing our thanks at the threshold of the Almighty.

In the great Book, the divine Qur’an, God says: "If ye offer praise unto Me, I will increase My favors unto you." Therefore we have unloosened our tongues in continual thanksgiving, supplicating confirmation and assistance from the spirituality of His Holiness Muhammad, the Messenger of God—upon Him be praise. We are likewise praying for your success and prosperity. The mother of thy respected wife, her brothers and sister are all well and in good health.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)


To Mrs. Corinne True, Chicago

Care of Mr. Joseph H. Hannen, Washington, D. C.

My dear sister in the Cause of God: — Days and months are slowly creeping on and the hearts of millions of people are longing for peace, praying for peace and calling fervently and ardently on the powers of peace. During such days ‘Abdul’-Baha has not forgotten you and He has revealed a Tablet for you, the translation of which is as follows:

O thou my daughter of the Kingdom! Praise be to God, that thou art assisted and confirmed in the service of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar and art spending thy effort in the erection of this edifice. The construction of this great building is the first divine foundation of the people of Unity in America and it will be like unto Mother unto the temples of God. All the temples which will be built in the future are born from this great Temple.

God says in the great Qur’an: "The building of the Mosques of God is carried along by those souls who believe in God and in the day of judgment." In other words: The construction of the divine mosques is undertaken by the believing, pure and blessed soul. It is my hope that thou mayest become assisted in building this edifice and become conducive to the firmness of the people in the Covenant and Testament.

Endeavor thou as much as thou canst so that the members of thy household become believers in the Unity of God and declare: "Verily, God is single!", become attracted to the Kingdom of God and the promoters of the divine teachings.

Convey my respected greeting to thy daughters.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)


To Mr. Windust, Miss Buikema

O ye two servants of the Kingdom of God! Praise be to God, that your services are accepted in the divine threshold and your songs impart joy and happiness to the ears of the dwellers of the Kingdom.

Persia praises your articles and is praying to God that the ways may be opened and correspondence between Persia and America find the utmost expression and facility, so that your melodies and anthems may become conducive to the exhilaration and cheerfulness of the meetings of the spiritual ones. What wonderful and joy imparting songs are raised from the pages of the Star of the West! Truly, I say, they are the means of the happiness of many hearts.

Endeavor ye, as far as possible, to publish such valuable, interesting and instructive articles as to give joy and fragrance to the friends in all parts of the world.

Upon ye be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)


Tablet to “the friends of God and the maidservants of the Merciful in the Central States”

To the friends of God and the maidservants of the Merciful in the Central States

O ye heavenly souls, O ye spiritual assemblies, O ye lordly meetings!

For some time past correspondence has been delayed, and this has been on account of the difficulty of mailing and receiving letters. But because at present a number of facilities are obtainable, therefore, I am engaged in writing you this brief epistle so that my heart and soul may obtain joy and fragrance through the remembrance of the friends. Continually this wanderer supplicates and entreats at the threshold of His Holiness the One and begs assistance, bounty and heavenly confirmations in behalf of the believers. You are always in my thought. You are not nor shall you ever be forgotten. I hope by the favors of His Holiness the Almighty that day by day you may add to your faith, assurance, firmness and steadfastness, and become instruments for the promotion of the holy fragrances. In the great book, the divine Qur’an, God, addressing His Messenger, His Holiness Muhammad (upon Him be greeting and praise!) says: "Verily Thou dost guide the people to the straight path." In other words: Thou dost show mankind the direct road. Consider how guidance is a matter of infinite importance; for it points to the loftiness of the station of His Holiness the Messenger.


Tablet to “the friends and maidservants of God in the Southern States”

To the friends and maidservants of God in the Southern States

Upon them be greeting and praise!

O ye heralds of the Kingdom of God!

A few days ago an epistle was written to those divine believers, but because these days are the days of Naw-Ruz therefore you have come to my mind, and I am sending you this greeting for this glorious feast. All the days are blessed, but this feast is the national fete of Persia. The Persians have been holding it for several thousand years past. In reality every day which man passes in the mention of God and in the service of the Kingdom of God that day is his feast. Praise be to God, that you are occupied in the service of the Kingdom by day and by night. Therefore all your days are feast days. There is no doubt that the assistance and bestowal of God shall descend upon you. In the southern states of the United States the friends are few, that is, in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Consequently you must either go yourselves or send a number of blessed souls to those states, so that they may guide the people to the kingdom of heaven. His Holiness Muhammad, the messenger of God, says: "If a person becomes the cause of the illumination of one soul it is better than a boundless treasury." Again He says: "O Ali, if God guide through thee one soul it is better for thee than all the riches." Again He says: "Direct us to the straight path," that is, show us the direct road. In brief, I hope you will display in this respect the greatest effort and magnanimity. It is assured that you will become assisted and confirmed.

Upon ye be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)


Tablet to “the believers of God and the maidservants of the Merciful in the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada”

To the believers of God and the maidservants of the Merciful in the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada:

O ye daughters and sons of the Kingdom!

Although in most of the states and cities of the United States—praise be to God—the fragrances of God are diffused and innumerable souls are turning their faces and advancing toward the Kingdom of God, yet in some of the states the flag of oneness is not upraised as it ought to be and must be, and the mysteries of the Holy Books, like the Bible, the Gospel and the Koran, are not promulgated. Through the unanimous effort of the friends, the banner of oneness must be unfurled in those states, and the divine teachings be promoted, so that they may also receive a portion and a share of the heavenly bestowals and the most great guidance. Likewise in the Provinces of Canada, such as Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Ungava, Keewatin, Mackenzie, Yukon and the Franklin Islands in the Arctic Circle—the believers of God must become self-sacrificing and like unto the candles of guidance become ignited in the provinces of Canada. Should they show forth such a magnanimity, it is assured that they will obtain universal divine confirmations, the heavenly cohorts will reinforce them uninterruptedly, and a most great victory will be obtained. Perchance, God willing, the call of the Kingdom may reach the ears of the Eskimos, the inhabitants of the Islands of Franklin in the north of Canada, as well as Greenland. Should in Greenland the fire of the love of God be ignited, all the ices of that continent will be melted and its frigid climate will be changed into a temperate climate—that is, if the hearts will obtain the heat of the love of God, that country and continent will become a divine garden and a lordly orchard, and the souls, like unto the fruitful trees, will obtain the utmost freshness and delicacy. Magnanimity is necessary, heavenly exertion is called for. Should you display an effort, so that the fragrances of God be diffused amongst the Eskimos, its effect will be very great and far-reaching. God says in the great Koran: "A day will come wherein the lights of unity will enlighten all the world. The earth will be irradiated with the light of its Lord." In other words: "The earth will become illumined with the light of God. That light is the light of unity." "There is no God but God." The continent and the islands of Eskimos also are parts of this earth. They must similarly receive a portion of the bestowals of the most great guidance.

Upon ye be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)


Tablet to “the believers of God and the maidservants of the Merciful in the Western States”

To the believers of God and the maidservants of the Merciful in the Western States

O ye sons and daughters of the Kingdom!

Day and night I have no other occupation than the remembrance of the friends, praying from the depth of my heart in their behalf, begging for them confirmation from the Kingdom of God and supplicating the direct effect of the breaths of the Holy Spirit. I am hopeful from the favors of His Highness the Lord of bestowals, that the friends of God during such a time may become the secret cause of the illumination of the hearts of humanity, breathing the breath of life upon the spirits—whose praiseworthy results may become conducive to the glory and exaltation of humankind throughout all eternity. Although in some of the western states, like California, Oregon, Washington and Colorado, the fragrances of holiness are diffused, numerous souls have taken a share and a portion from the Fountain of Everlasting Life, they have obtained heavenly benediction, have drunk an overflowing cup from the wine of the love of God and have hearkened to the melody of the Supreme Concourse—yet in the states of New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona and Nevada, the lamp of the love of God is not ignited in a befitting and behooving manner, and the call of the Kingdom of God has not been raised. Now, if it is possible, show ye an effort in this direction. Either travel yourselves, personally, throughout those states or choose others and send them, so that they may teach the souls. For the present those states are like unto dead bodies; they must breathe into them the breath of life and bestow upon them a heavenly spirit. Like unto the stars they must shine in that horizon and thus the rays of the Sun of Reality may also illumine those states.

God says in the great Koran: "Verily God is the helper of those who have believed. He will lead them from darkness into light." This means God loves the believers, consequently He will deliver them from darkness and bring them into the world of light.


Tablet to “the friends and maidservants of God in the Northeastern States”

To the friends and maidservants of God in the Northeastern States

Upon them be greeting and praise!

O ye heavenly heralds!

These are the days of Naw-Ruz. I am always thinking of those kind friends! I beg for each and all of you confirmations and assistance from the threshold of Oneness, so that those gatherings may become ignited like unto candles in the Republics of America, enkindling the light of the love of God in the hearts; thus the rays of the heavenly teachings may begem and brighten the states of America like the infinitude of immensity with the stars of the most great guidance.

The northeastern states on the shores of the Atlantic—Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York—in some of these states believers are found, but in some of the cities of these states up to this date people are not yet illumined with the lights of the Kingdom and are not aware of the heavenly teachings; therefore, whenever it is possible for each one of you, hasten ye to those cities and shine forth like unto the stars with the light of the most great guidance.

God says in the glorious Koran: "The soil was black and dried. Then we caused the rain to descend upon it and immediately it became green, verdant, and every kind of plant sprouted up luxuriantly." In other words, He says the earth and the soil is black, but when the spring showers descend upon it that black soil is quickened, and variegated flowers are pushed forth. This means the souls of humanity belonging to the world of nature are black like unto the soil. But when the heavenly outpourings descend and the radiant effulgences appear, the hearts are resuscitated, are liberated from the darkness of nature and the flowers of divine mysteries grow and become luxuriant. Consequently man must become the cause of the illumination of the world of humanity and propagate the holy teachings revealed in the sacred books through divine inspiration. It is stated in the blessed Gospel: Travel ye toward the East and toward the West and enlighten the people with the light of the most great guidance, so that they may take a portion and share of the eternal life.


"O ye who are turned to the Supreme Appearance!"

He is Abha!

O ye who are turned to the Supreme Appearance!

Day and night, morn and eve, at sunrise and at sunset we are remembering, with all our hearts and souls, the friends of the Merciful One, asking God's help and confirmation that the believers of the pure territory, the Holy Land, may become excellent in all conditions of morality, characteristics, behavior, manners, conduct and actions, that they may appear with ecstasy, enthusiasm, love, consciousness, assurance, steadfastness, firmness, concord and harmony, with bright faces and splendid beauty in the community of the world.

O ye friends of God! Today is the day of union and this age is the age of harmony in the world of existence. "Verily, God loveth those who are working in His path in groups, for they are a solid foundation." Consider ye that He says "in groups," united and bound together, supporting one another. "To work," mentioned in this holy verse, does not mean, in this greatest age, to perform it with swords, spears, shafts and arrows, but rather with sincere intentions, good designs, useful advices, divine moralities, beautiful actions, spiritual qualities, educating the public, guiding the souls of mankind, diffusing spiritual fragrances, explaining divine illustrations, showing convincing proofs and doing charitable deeds. When the holy souls, through the angelic power, will arise to show forth these celestial characteristics, establishing a band of harmony, each of these souls shall be regarded as one thousand persons and the waves of this greatest ocean shall be considered as the army of the hosts of the Supreme Concourse.

What a great blessing it is that when the torrents, streams, currents, tides and drops are all gathered in one place, they will form a great ocean and the real harmony shall overcome and reign in such a manner that all the rules, laws, distinctions and differences of the imaginations of these souls shall disappear and vanish like little drops and shall be submerged in the ocean of spiritual unity. By the Ancient Beauty, in this case and condition, the blessings of the great ocean will overflow and canals shall become as spacious as an endless ocean and each drop shall become as a boundless sea!


To the maid-servant of God, Miss Agnes Alexander

Upon her be Baha’u’llah!

He is God!

O thou my dear daughter! Thy letter was received. It imparted great happiness. Praise be to God, that that dear daughter is sacrificing herself in the path of Baha’u’llah and enduring every difficulty.

It is now more advisable for thee to depart directly to Japan and while there be engaged in the diffusion of the fragrances of God. . . .

Today the greatest of all divine bestowals is teaching the cause or God, for it is fraught with confirmations. Every teacher is confirmed and is favored at the divine threshold. In the estimation of the Ideal King, the army which is in front of the battlefield is encircled with the glances of His mercifulness and in the sight of the Divine Farmer, the sower of the seed is accepted and favored.

I hope that thou mayest be like unto a realm-conquering army and a farmer. Therefore, thy voyage to Japan is preferred to everything else. Still thou art perfectly free.

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 5, June 5, 1916)


To Mr. Bannerjee, the founder of the Devalaya Society in Calcutta, India

O thou wooer of Reality!

His Highness the Merciful One hath caused the appearance of the splendors of love and affinity in the world of humanity, so that the individuals of mankind might be perfectly united and the rays of unity be revealed amongst the children of man. Hence He sent forth the holy Manifestations, inspired Their hearts with the contexts of the heavenly books and instituted divine religions, in order that These sanctified Personages, these revealed books, these religions of God might become the means of unity and accord, love and good fellowship in the human world.

Should we study the divine religions with the perception of truth, we would then conclude that their underlying principle is the One Reality. All the religions of God are the reality. Reality does not accept multiplicity and division. But alas! that the fundamental reality is laid aside and forgotten and a catalogue of creeds, dogmas and rites have taken its place which are the basis of difference, the cause of hatred and prejudice and the establishment of the religion of God is totally forgotten and quite neglected.

When this impenetrable gloom—that is, the gloom of the traditions of forefathers and ancestors—surrounded the world and the pristine, primal light of the divine religions was changed into the darkness of the ideas of men, then the true morn dawned and the Sun of Reality (Baha’u’llah) arose from the horizon of Persia, reflecting in the mirror of the world of humanity the effulgence of the heavenly unity. Thus He destroyed the foundations of the structure of blind dogmas, and man-made creeds and rituals which are the results of ignorant prejudices. It is owing to this fact that this Light is spreading with the greatest rapidity in all the countries of the world. The influence of these divine teachings in the heart of the world is like the influence of the spirit over the bodies.


“This is the century of the Merciful One and the Period of Joy and Gladness.”

Thy mission in America for the present is this: Thou must travel as far as possible to every part and pass through cities and towns, summoning everyone to the Beauty of Abha raising the Call of the Kingdom and proclaiming at the top of thy voice:

A hundred-thousand glad tidings be upon ye that the Sun of the Reality of the Beauty of Abha hath shone forth from the Horizon of the Contingent Being and hath illumined the regions with the lights of the Most Great Guidance. The realities of the Old Testament and the Gospel are already fulfilled and the Mysteries of the Heavenly Books have become manifest. This is the century of the Merciful One and the Period of Joy and Gladness.

O ye heedless ones, become mindful! O ye sleeping ones, be awakened! O ye blind ones, become seeing! O ye deaf ones, become hearing! O ye dumb ones, become speakers! O ye dead ones, become living! O ye deprived ones, take a portion!

This is the effulgence of the Merciful and the moving of the Depthless Sea. This is the outpouring of the wonderful new springtime and the falling of the showers of the Bounty of the Most Great Lord!

This is thy mission.

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 1, March 21, 1916)


“the Promised Age”; “the ‘Resurrection Day’”; “the great ‘Day of Judgement’”

This period of time is the Promised Age, the assembling of the human race to the "Resurrection Day," and now is the great "Day of Judgement." Soon the whole world, as in springtime, will change its garb. The turning and falling of the autumn leaves is past; the bleakness of the wintertime is over. The new year hath appeared and the spiritual springtime is at hand. The black earth is becoming a verdant garden; the deserts and mountains are teeming with red flowers; from the borders of the wilderness the tall grasses are standing like advance guards before the cypress and jessamine trees; while the birds are singing among the rose branches like angels in the highest heavens, announcing the glad tidings of the approach of that spiritual spring, and the sweet music of their voices is causing the real essence of all things to move and quiver.

O my spiritual friend! Dost thou know from what airs emanate the notes sung by those birds? They are from the melodies of peace and reconciliation, of love and unity, of justice and security, of concord and harmony. In a short time this heavenly singing will intoxicate all humanity; the foundations of enmity shall be destroyed; unity and affection shall be witnessed in every assembly; and the lovers of the love of God at these great festivals shall behold their splendor.

Therefore, contemplate what a spirit of life God hath given that the body of the whole earth may attain life everlasting! The Paradise of Abha will soon spread a pavilion from the Pole-star of the world, under whose shelter the beloved shall rejoice and the pure hearts shall repose in peace. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 1, March 21, 1916)


To the Bahais of Germany, through Frau Consul Schwarz

O dear friends!

Praise be to God, we are all well and safe under the shelter of divine patronage and protection. We are in the utmost harmony; we pray night and day and beseech God's mercy for all the people of the world, that He may not look at the capacity of His creatures (at what the people deserve), but may He deal with them through His mere Blessing and Grace, so that the means of comfort and joy may be attained; so that the hearts may become lamps for (His) lights, and the souls (people) may attain God's pleasure. This is our utmost desire and longing. And you also pray that the ocean of bounties may rise in waves, and all the people may become immersed in the ocean of God's forgiveness.

God be praised! Strong love is produced between Germany and Islam. The Islamic world is in love with the Germanic world. The former loves exceedingly, the latter. What a good friendship is produced! We hope that this love and friendship will give rise to great results, that it will influence others (nations) also.

By the grace of God, we are well and happy. We hope that you are happy too. Your postal cards were received. As they bear the glad-tidings of your good health, they became the cause of our delight and joy. May peace be upon you!

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Translated on July 25, 1915; Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 13, November 4, 1915)


To Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, New York City

The confirmation of the Kingdom of Abha shall descend uninterruptedly upon those souls who are firm in the Covenant. Thou hast well observed that every firm one is assisted and aided and every violator is degraded, humiliated and lost. It is very astonishing that people are not admonished. They have observed how Mirza Mohamed Ali on account of the violation of the Covenant descended to the lowest degree of humiliation, and yet they do not become mindful. They have seen how others through disobedience to the Testament have fallen into a well of degradation, and yet they are not awakened. This Covenant is the Covenant of His Holiness, Baha'u'llah. Now its importance is not known befittingly; but in the future it shall attain to such a degree of importance that if a king violates to the extent of one atom he shall be cut off immediately.

Consider that during the life of Christ—May my life be a sacrifice to Him!—His Cause had no importance whatsoever; nay, rather the people scoffed and ridiculed Him, and according to the text of the Gospel they called Him Beezlebub. Now you can see the importance which it had later.

Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(From a Tablet to Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, New York City, translated on August 2, 1913; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)    


Concerning “Any person who comes to America from the East”

Convey this message to each and all the believers in New York: Any person who comes to America from the East, whether Baha’i or non-Baha’i, although he may be one of my relatives, such as Mirza Jalal, Mirza Mohsen and Mirza Hadi (the three sons-in-law of Abdu’l-Baha), who has not in his hand a letter of permission in my handwriting and signature, the believers of God must not at all approach him, but shun him and know that he is a wolf—he has come to scatter the flock; a thief—he has come to rob the house. . . . . .

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(From a Tablet to Miss Juliet Thompson, New York City, translated on October 29, 1913; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)    


Any Persian who “goes to America without permission has no other aim save sedition and the violation of the Covenant”

If a Persian comes from the East to those parts—supposing the impossible: Although he may be my own son, or the only daughter of Abdul-Baha—without having in his hand an epistle with my own hand and my own signature, to meet and hold conversation with him is forbidden. For whosoever goes to America without permission has no other aim save sedition and the violation of the Covenant.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(From a Tablet to the friends of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful, United States of America; translated on April 19, 1914; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)   

[1] These words are in the handwriting of Abdu’l-Baha


In response to a letter detailing the circumstances attending the arrival in San Francisco of two Persians from India (via Honolulu), without credentials, and their appearance at a Baha'i meeting

O thou who are attracted to the Kingdom of Abha! Thy letter was received. Its details concerning those two persons (Persians) became known. You have acted most reasonably. Every Persian, or non-Persian, who comes from the East and has not in his hand a letter from me, although he may be one of my relatives, the believers must not receive him, neither should they let him enter into their meetings. For some wolves are coming from Persia to those parts in order to tear the sheep of God, and to scatter the seeds of corruption and to become the means of division—especially the followers of Mirza Yahya. To receive those souls would be like permitting a thief to enter a home, or like letting a wolf into a flock (of sheep). Unquestionably this is not permissible!

A man may receive his own enemy into his house and show him the utmost respect and consideration, but it is not allowable to receive a thief into his house, nor a traitor into his home, nor a wolf into the flock. This would be injustice. Although the heart of the wolf is displeased at this, yet the sheep of God must be protected…

Show ye the utmost kindness toward enemies, that is, ignorant enemies, but not toward traitorous and treacherous enemies. I hope that through the divine bounty and favor you may be guarded and protected.

Say to those two persons (Persians): "Because! we have explicit instructions in regard to this matter we cannot disobey them. It would have been better for you to have gone first to Akka, and, receiving permission and credentials, to have come to America from there. Then you would have experienced the utmost consideration. You must likewise obey this command. If you are sincere believers, act according to this clear injunction."

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(From a Tablet, translated on September 30, 1913; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)   

[1] These Persians were advised to leave and return to their hotel and were entertained subsequently in the home of a believer.


Not to associate with any Persian not having a letter from ‘Abdu’l-Baha

Any Persian, whether Bahai, or belonging to the ancient religions of Persia, —in short, any Persian—without carrying in his hand a letter either in my handwriting, or signed with my signature, the believers must not associate with him or speak to him, even if he is Shoghi Effendi or Rouhi Effendi (the two grandsons of ‘Abdu’l-Baha). The friends must demand of him before anything else, his credential letter, written in my handwriting, or signed with my signature.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Message from Abdu’l-Baha in His own handwriting, to the American Bahais, translated on September 18, 1913; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


“Whosoever claims that ‘Abdu’l-Baha has given to him a Tablet or sent a cablegram”

Whosoever claims that ‘Abdu’l-Baha has given to him a tablet or sent a cablegram he must prove it (by showing it). Do not accept the saying of anyone on mere statement. He must bring forth the unmistakable and valid evidence, signed by my own written signature and not the signature on a cablegram which cannot be substantiated.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(From a Tablet to an American Bahai, translated on March 4, 1913; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


To Mrs. Harriet Cline, Los Angeles, California

Today firmness in the Covenant is the means of the promotion of the Word of God and conducive to the effect of the word of man. Any explanation which does not accord with the Covenant will have no effect whatever. Therefore, whosoever heralds the Covenant of God, unquestionably he is confirmed. This has been tried a thousand times: Any soul who violates the Covenant and Testament in the least degree, immediately he is cut off; even in this material world he will become afflicted with remorse and regret.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas 

(From a Tablet to Mrs. Harriet Cline, Los Angeles, Calif., translated on March 29, 1913; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


To Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm [1]

Convey my longing greeting to all the believers of God throughout all the cities of America and announce to them on my behalf that if any person from amongst the Persian believers who may be well known as to his character, whether man or woman—although he may be my own son or daughter—comes to America and has not a new permission for his going to America written with my own handwriting and signed with my own signature, you must not give him any attention at all. Whosoever speaks with him is a violator of the Covenant! This question is most important. Undoubtedly you must show the utmost caution. There are some wolves in sheep's clothes who may claim to be shepherds. Whosoever from amongst the Persian believers arrives in America although he may be related to me, — that is, —even if he be my son-in-law or she be my daughter, first ask of him the letter giving him a new permission to come again to America. If he shows you any such letter, be most careful and attentive that it is my writing and my signature, that they may not be counterfeits. Then you cable to me and inquire about him. When the answer is received by you that it is correct then you meet him, otherwise do not associate with him. Announce the contents of this letter to all the believers and the maid-servants of the Merciful throughout America.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(From a Tablet to Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, translated on March 25, 1913;

[1] The original of this tablet is in Abdu’l-Baha's own handwriting; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


“Baha'u'llah is unique and peerless”

I am servant of Baha! His holiness Baha'u'llah is unique and peerless. All must turn to Baha'u'llah. This is the religion of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. Firmness in the Covenant means love and obedience to the command of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. Announce this.

(Signed) Abbas.

(Cablegram from Paris, February 14, 1913, to Parsons-Remey, Washington; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


Any Persian without written permission from ‘Abdu’l-Baha

We have reached Paris. Greetings to all. Any Persian, be he my own son or daughter, if he comes to America without having a new permission written in my own handwriting or signature, do not meet him at all. Inform all cities.

(Signed) Abbas

(Cablegram received February 3, 1913, from Paris to Wilhelmite, New York; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


“Awaken the friends, for ere long a test shall come.”

Awaken the friends, for ere long a test shall come. Perchance some persons, outwardly firm and inwardly wavering, shall come to those parts in order to weaken the faith of the friends in the Covenant of God. Let them be awake! Let them be mindful! As long as they see a trace of violation of the Covenant, they must hold aloof from the violator. Day and night let them strive so that the lights of the Kingdom of Abha may encircle the globe, and the darkness of error may be entirely dispelled.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas 

(From a Tablet to Charles Mason Remey, Washington, D. C., translated on December 29, 1912; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


Persian visitors

Receive no Persian, even my family, without autographic permission. Communicate to all friends.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha

(Cable from London to Wilhelmite, New York, received December 30, 1912; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


“The wolves clothe themselves with the shepherd's garment”

O ye beloved of God! Highway robbers are many and hypocrites are innumerable. The wolves clothe themselves with the shepherd's garment and thieves show themselves in the form of watchmen. Hereafter, if any Persian or Oriental come to those parts, even though he be from the very city of Akka, if ye find he does not possess a letter written by the hand and sealed by the seal of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, you must decidedly avoid him.

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a Tablet to the Baha’is in America; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


To the beloved of God in America—On them be glory and bounty!

The maid-servant of God, Lua, was a long time occupied in India in spreading the fragrances of the love of God. She is now ready to return to the regions of America. Show her every consideration. She is firm in the Covenant of love. In reality she worked vigorously during her sojourn in India, and she is worthy of love.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas (Translated on August 27, 1915)

(Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16, 1915)


Extract from a tablet by ‘Abdu’l-Baha, October 4, 1914

About fifty years ago, His Holiness proclaimed certain teachings, and chanted the song of Universal Peace. In numerous tablets and epistles he foretold in the most clear language the present cataclysm: [WWI] stating that the world of humanity was facing the most portentous danger, and that the coming of universal war was unfortunately inevitable; for the combustible material stored in the infernal arsenals of Europe would some day explode through contact with a single spark. Amongst other things he foresaw that the Balkans would become a volcano, and the map of Europe would be changed. For these and similar reasons Baha'u'llah invited the kings and rulers of the world to lay down their arms and proclaim an era of universal peace. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet, Star of the West, vol. 6, no.11, September 27, 1915)


To the Bahai Assembly of Portland, Oregon

Upon thee be Baha'u'l-Abha!

He is God!

O ye denizens of the Kingdom!

Your letter was received and caused joy and gladness, for it was an evidence of firmness and steadfastness. Praise be to God, ye have an assembly in the utmost joy and fragrance; the candle thereof being the blessings of His Holiness Baha'u'llah, the spirit of that meeting is the confirmations of the supreme kingdom, and the sustenance of that gathering is celestial benediction. I hope that the life of that assembly shall be the breaths of the holy spirit, and in accordance with the heavenly teachings ye become regiments of universal peace, breaking asunder the armies of war and strife through the power and teachings of His Holiness Baha'u'llah, and thus raise the standard of unity, of friendship and of love in the world of humanity.

The Americans are distinguished from the Europeans in this noble ideal, viz.: universal peace, and it is proper that they glory before all nations. His honor Mr. William Jennings Bryan, the Secretary of State of the United States of America, especially, has in reality stood by the promulgation of universal peace with the utmost effort; and because in this matter he is striving exactly in accordance with the teachings of His Holiness Baha'u'llah, he is self-sacrificing. My hope is that he will become a candle of the Convention for Universal Peace and shine forth like unto the morning star from the horizon of the oneness of the world of humanity.

It may come to pass that some corrupted souls shall come to America working to bring about the wavering of your hearts; but ye must be firm like unto a mountain in faith and the Covenant, and be not shaken by the blowing of contrary winds.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 6, no.11, September 27, 1915)


To the noble personage, his excellency, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, May God assist him!

He is God!

O thou illustrious soul! O thou the great pillar of the palace of universal peace!

It is some time since I intended to correspond with thee, but there was no intermediary between us. Now that his excellency, Mr. Topakyan, has made this possible through his kindly suggestion, I write thee this epistle; for truly I say thou art the lover of humanity and one of the founders of universal peace.

Today the most great service to the kingdom of God is the promotion of the principle of the unification of mankind and the establishment of universal peace. A number of souls who were doctrinaires and unpractical thinkers worked for the realization of this most exalted aim and good cause, but they were doomed to failure, save that lofty personage who has been and is still promoting the matter of international arbitration and general conciliation through deeds, words, self-sacrifice and the generous donation of wealth and property.

Rest thou assured that through the confirmations of the holy spirit thou wilt become confirmed and assisted in the accomplishment of this most resplendent service, and in this mortal world thou shalt lay the foundation of an immortal, everlasting edifice, and in the end thou wilt sit upon the throne of incorruptible glory in the kingdom of God.

All the leaders and statesmen of Europe are thinking on the plane of war and the annihilation of the mansion of humanity, but thou art thinking on the plane of peace and love and the strengthening and reinforcement of the basis of the superstructure of the human world. They are the heralds of death, thou art the harbinger of life. The foundations of their palaces are unstable and wavering and the turrets of their mansions are tottering and crumbling, but the basis of thy structure is firm and unmovable.


To his honor Mr. Remey - [concerning the passing of Thomas Breakwell & souls who enjoy eternal life]

Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God

O thou who art rejoiced by the Divine Glad-tidings!

Verily I have received thy last letter, and thanked God that thou didst reach Paris protected and guarded by Him. Thank thou God that He assisted thee to behold the brilliant faces of the believers of God, and favored thee to meet them in American countries; for verily, beholding those shining countenances is a divine gift. By it, the hearts are dilated, the souls are rejoiced, and the spirits are attracted toward the Supreme Concourse.

Do not lament over the departure of my dearly-beloved Breakwell. For verily, he has ascended to the luminous Rose-Garden in the Abha Kingdom, near the mercy of his Lord, the Almighty, and is crying out with the loudest voice, "O that my people knew how my Lord hath forgiven me, and made me one of those who have attained to the meeting of God!"

O Breakwell! my beloved! Where is thy beautiful countenance, and where is thy eloquent tongue? Where is thy radiant brow, and where is thy brilliant face?

O Breakwell! my beloved! Where is thy enkindlement with the fire of the Love of God, and where is thy attraction to the Fragrances of God? Where is thy utterance for the glorification of God, and where is thy rising in the service of God?

O my dear! O Breakwell! Where are thy bright eyes, and where are thy smiling lips? Where are thy gentle cheeks, and where is thy graceful stature?

O my dear! O Breakwell! Verily thou hast abandoned this transitory world, and soared upward to the Kingdom, hast attained to the Grace of the Invisible Realm, and sacrificed thyself to the Threshold of the Lord of Might!

O my adored one! O Breakwell! Verily thou hast left behind this physical lamp, this human glass, these earthly elements, and this worldly enjoyment.

O my adored one! Breakwell! Then thou hast ignited a light in the Glass of the Supreme Concourse, hast entered in the Paradise of Abha; art protected under the shade of the Blessed Tree, and hast attained to the meeting (of the True One) in the abode of Paradise.


Through Aqa Mirza Lotfullah Hakim, London, to Mr. Daniel Jenkyn

Upon him be Baha’u’llah!

He is God

O thou who art attracted to the Truth!

Many of the philosophers of the world and the great men of different nations wished to attain the Truth, but they were deprived. Then praise thou God that thou hast reached to the essence of the Truth and thou hast heard the proclamation of the Kingdom and the teachings of the Lord of Hosts. Through this great favor thou hast prospered and become victorious.

I pray, on thy behalf, that thou mayest become the proclaimer of God in that city, that thou mayest awake the sleepers and warn the negligent; that thou mayest become lighted like a torch and bestow the light of guidance.

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 19, March 2, 1915)


Concerning attendance by Baha’is at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco

The future of California, whether in regard to its material affairs or its spiritual affairs, is very important. It is my hope that the people of California may become the sons and daughters of the Kingdom and be the means of promoting the religion of God.

Regarding the Exposition of 1915 which will be inaugurated in San Francisco, America, undoubtedly from now on the Bahais must arrange and prepare ways and means so that a great number of them may be present on that occasion. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Bah  (From a Tablet dated 12 July 1911)

The believers of God from now on must think about going to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition (in San Francisco). Everyone goes to the Exposition either for amusement or recreation, or in hope of obtaining commercial benefits. But you, who are the believers of God, enter the Exposition with the desire to summon the people to the divine Kingdom and hoping to receive the breaths of the Holy Spirit. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet dated 14 April 1914)

As regards the second trip of Abdul-Baha to America, if the believers of God be enkindled and attracted to a superlative degree, perchance this object will again be obtained. Capacity and capability are the magnetic power. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a Tablet dated 12 March 1913)

(‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 17, January 19, 1915)


To Doctor F. W. D'Evelyn, the beloved of God, Mrs. Helen S. Goodall, the maid-servant of God, Mrs. Ella C. Cooper, Mr. W. C. and Mrs. Georgia Ralston, San Francisco, California

Upon them be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God!

O ye who are firm in the Covenant!

Your letter was received. Praise be to God, that with the utmost firmness you have arisen in the service of the Kingdom, so that you may organize a Congress for universal peace during the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Summon the people to the Kingdom of God and promote the teachings of His Holiness Baha’u’llah. Rest ye assured that the Divine Confirmations will be conducive to joy and fragrance and most great results will be the outcome of this service.

Rest ye confident in the assistance of God.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 17, January 19, 1915)


“O thou world of humanity! Awake! Awake!”

Today, if the soul—who is attracted with the Love of God and burning with the flame of enthusiasm—shall unloose his tongue and deliver his speech in the utmost state of attraction, it will undoubtedly produce the most wonderful effect upon the hearts. With a resonant voice, he must cry out:

O people! O people! The Sun of Reality has dawned

from the horizon of the world, casting Effulgence upon the East and the West …

O thou world of humanity! Awake! Awake!

O thou negligent of the Kingdom of God! Revive!


O thou prisoner of nature! Liberate thyself! Liberate


O thou afflicted with antiquated dogmas! Get clear of

superannuated imaginations! Free thyself of this inertia!

O thou deprived of heavenly bestowals! Acquire a share!

Acquire a share!

O thou heedless of the Divine World! Be informed!

Be informed!

Cry at the top of your voices similar utterances in those meetings before the concourse of humanity. The effect of your words will be conditioned upon the degree of your attraction and exultation. Then you will observe what an effect this will have.

 - ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 17, January 19, 1915)


To the maid-servant of God, Miss Beatrice Irwin, London

He is God!

O thou beloved daughter!

Thy letter was received and I have written for thy sake this Message. This article, in answer to thy question, is very important. Display ye the utmost effort in its publication.

After the declaration of the constitutional regime in Turkey in 1908, by the members of the Committee of the Union and Progress, this prisoner of forty years, travelled and journeyed for three years—from 1910 to 1913—throughout the countries of Europe and the vast continent of America. Notwithstanding advancement in age with its natural consequences, with a resonant voice I delivered detailed addresses before large conventions and in historical churches. I enumerated all those principles contained in the Tablets and Teachings of Baha’u’llah concerning War and Peace.

About fifty years ago, His Holiness Baha’u’llah proclaimed certain Teachings and raised the Song of Universal Peace. In numerous Tablets and sundry Epistles He foretold, in the most explicit language, the present cataclysmal events; stating that the world of humanity was facing the most portentious danger and asserting categorically that the realization of Universal War was unfortunately inevitable and unavoidable. For these combustible materials which were stored in the infernal arsenals of Europe would explode by contact with one spark. Among other things, "the Balkans will become a volcano and the map of Europe will be changed." For these and similar reasons He (Baha’u’llah) invited the world of humanity to Universal Peace. He wrote a number of Epistles to the kings and rulers and in those epistles He explained the destructive evils of war and dwelt on the solid benefits and nobler influences of Universal Peace. War saps the foundation of humanity; killing is an unpardonable crime against God, for man is an edifice built by the Hand of the Almighty. Peace is life incarnate; war is death personified. Peace is the divine spirit; war is satanic suggestion. Peace is the light of the world; war is stygian darkness and cimmerian gloom. All the great prophets, ancient philosophers and heavenly Books have been the harbingers of Peace and monitors against war and discord. This is the Divine foundation; this is the Celestial outpouring; this is the basis of all religions of God.

In short, before all the meetings in the West I cried out: "O ye thinkers of the world! O ye philosophers of the Occident! O ye scholars and sages of the earth! A threatening black cloud overshadows, which ere long shall envelop the horizon of humanity; an impetuous tempest is ahead, which shall shatter to splinters the ships of the lives of mankind, and a turbulent, furious torrent shall soon drown the countries and nations of Europe. Awaken ye! Awaken ye! Become ye mindful! Become ye mindful! Thus in the spirit of co-operation we may all arise with the utmost magnanimity and through the Favor and Providence of God hold aloft the flag of the Oneness of Humanity, promote the essentials of Universal Peace and deliver the inhabitants of the world from this Most Great Danger!"


To the beloved of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful, London

Upon them be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God!

O firm ones in the Covenant!

Your letter was received and its contents became known. A Tablet (lit. letter) was written to Teheran fifteen months ago and it was published and spread in all parts of Persia and now is in the hands of all (the friends). The exact text of that Tablet is this:

O servant of the Blessed Threshold!

Thou didst complain of the decline of trade. This year calamities, unfortunate decline and corruption have encompassed the world. Now the proof is apparent to all. ‘Abdu’l-Baha in churches (lit. synagogues) and meetings in many of the cities of Europe and America loudly proclaimed the Cause of His Holiness Baha’u’llah and called (people) to the Kingdom of Abha. And he (‘Abdu’l-Baha) brought forth luminous proofs and stated clear conclusions and manifest arguments. There remained no excuse for any soul whatsoever, because most of the talks were published in newspapers and spread in the world. Notwithstanding this, still the people are captives in the sleep of negligence and are prisoners of nature and inattentive to Reality. Still the people desire material luxury to such a degree that Sur-i-Israfil (i. e., the trumpet of summoning mankind to resurrection) does not awaken them. Of course this negligence, unthankfulness and unmindfulness are the causes of regret, distress, war and dispute and produce devastation and misfortune. If the people of the world do not turn to the Greatest Name, great misery will follow. But for the sake of the believers it is my hope that traces of the favors of God may be apparent and their affairs become exceptional.

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

This (above) Tablet was written fifteen months ago and the distressed happenings of today were mentioned in it. Notwithstanding this we pray with the utmost supplication and lamentation at the Threshold of God that He may purify and free the horizon of the world of humanity from this dark cloud.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 16, December 12, 1914)

Translated by Lotfullah S. Hakim, November 25, 1914, (Kowl 3rd, 70), London, England.


“Baha’u’llah is the Collective Center of Unity for all humanity”

It is self-evident that humanity is at variance. Human tastes differ; thoughts, nativities, races and tongues are various. The need of a Collective Center, by which these differences may be counterbalanced and the people of the world be unified, is obvious. Consider how nothing but a spiritual power can bring about this unification; — for material conditions and mental aspects are so widely different that agreement and unity are impossible through outer means. But it is possible for all to become unified through One Spirit just as all may receive light from one sun… Today, His Holiness Baha’u’llah is the Collective Center of Unity for all humanity. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 16, December 12, 1914)


Future of California & Exposition in San Francisco in 1915

The future of California, whether in regard to its material or its spiritual affairs, is very important. It is my hope that the people of California may become the sons and daughters of the Kingdom, and be the means of promoting the religion of God.

Regarding the Exposition of 1915 which will be inaugurated in San Francisco, America, undoubtedly from now on the Bahais must arrange and prepare ways and means so that a great number of them may be present on that occasion. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Star of the West’, vol. 5, no. 15, December 12, 1914)


To the believers of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful

Upon them be Baha’u’l-Abha!

East and West.

He is God


Glory be unto Thee, O God! for Thou hast opened the Doors of the Kingdom of Grandeur and Majesty before the faces of Thy beloved ones; overshadowed them with the wide-spreading Tree of Thy Mercifulness; stirred them into cheerfulness by the Breezes of Acceptance from the Garden of Thy Singleness and caused the downpour of pure Waters from the heaven of Thy Generosity, through which Thou didst cleanse the hearts of Thy friends.

Thou didst resuscitate the spirit of those who have arisen in Thy service with the Breaths of the Holy Spirit and reinforced them with the angels of Thy Sanctification and the unseen Cohorts from the Supreme Concourse. Verily, this was no other but a reinforcement from Thee and a fresh Confirmation on Thy part in order that they might arise in the proclamation of Thy Word, the diffusion of Thy Fragrances, the perusal of Thy Verses, the promulgation of Thy Religion, the propagation of Thy Teachings, the universalization of Thy Grace and the strengthening of Thy Covenant. Verily, they have pitched on the apex of the world, the Tabernacle of Thy Oneness, whose cords are unbreakable, under whose shade nations and peoples shall dwell and which is glorified with the Bestowal of Thy Effulgence.

O Lord! We are weak, fortify us with Thy Power; we are prisoners, shine upon us the Light of Thy Freedom!

O God! This captive has no other protector save Thee; this afflicted one has no other guardian except Thee, and this weak soul has no other support beside Thee!

O Lord! O Lord! Grant endurance and fortitude to these broken wings and brace and steel the nerves of these suppliant birds;—so that they may soar towards the apex of prosperity, wing their way through the immensity of success to the highest station of worthiness, stretch forth their pinions to reach the loftiest point in Thy Abha Kingdom and the apogee of grandeur in Thy Supreme Concourse: thus their eyes may be brightened by beholding the lights and their ears be charmed by listening to the singing of the mysteries!


Through Miss Alma Knobloch, to the maidservant of God, Fraulein Julia Staebler

Upon her be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God

O thou maidservant of God! Thy letter was received. I am much occupied, therefore brevity is befitting. Be very grateful to Miss Alma Knobloch and Miss Anna Köstlin, for they became the cause of thy guidance.

Thy beloved mother ascended to the apex of the Kingdom. She is the associate and the companion of the spiritual ones. They witness this world and the inhabitants thereof, for the veil is rent asunder and the covering is taken away from before the insight. Beg of God for them the exaltation of spiritual degrees.

Praise be to God that, on the Day of the Declaration of His Holiness the Báb, you celebrated the Feast with the utmost beauty. The nineteen days' Feast has the utmost importance, that the beloved ones may gather in a meeting, be occupied with the utmost love and fellowship in mentioning the name of God, and speak about the glad tidings of God, deliver the proofs and evidences of the appearance of Baha’u’llah, mention the praiseworthy deeds and the sacrifices endured by the Believers of God in Persia, talk about the severance and the attraction of the martyrs and remember the co-operation and the mutual assistance of the friends. Therefore this nineteen days' Feast is most important.

The believers of God in Persia sacrifice their lives in the path of each other, the rich give to the poor, and the worthies protect and guard the weak ones.

Convey to all the friends the wonderful greeting of Abha.

Upon you be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 13, November 4, 1914)


A Prayer for departed – for Frau Babette Ruoff

Upon her be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God

O Almighty!

Endear thou this maidservant of Thy Threshold, Frau Ruoff, in the Kingdom of Thy Holiness, and submerge her in the Ocean of Sight. Overlook her shortcomings; confer upon her Thy Grace! Vouchsafe her Thy Purity in the Court of the Paradise of Abha! Bestow upon her Eternal Life and suffer her to become the manifestor of infinite bestowals in the meeting of transfiguration. Verily Thou art the Generous! The Pardoner and the Compassionate.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 13, November 4, 1914)


To the believers of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful in America

Upon them be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God

O ye believers of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful!

From the Graces of His Holiness Baha’u’llah I beg for you firmness and steadfastness. Today whosoever is a herald of the Covenant is confirmed and assisted. In these days a number of souls, whose deeds are known in America as clear as the sun, have arisen in enmity against the Center of the Covenant. Their's is the vain imagination that they can extinguish the Light of the Candle of the Covenant. Vain indeed is their thought. The Candle of the Covenant is like unto the Morning Star which never sets.

In short, after a journey through Europe and a visit to the Holy Land, their honors, Mr. Remey and Mr. Latimer, are now returning to America. I send them. I am hopeful that from the Bestowals of His Holiness, Baha'u’llah, they may become confirmed and assisted in the diffusion of the Fragrances of God.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 13, November 4, 1914)