
To his honor Mr. Charles Mason Remey, Washington, D. C.

Upon him be greeting and praise!

O thou herald of Reality!

Thou hast written that thou art spending the winter with thy parents, but thou dost not know thy duty for the spring and summer. The best way is this, in company with his honor Mr. George Latimer travel thou throughout America and the Hawaiian Islands and summon thou the people to the Kingdom of God. The doors of investigation are open and the people of reality are running to and fro. In these days great capacity is witnessed in America and the population is ready to listen to the divine teachings. Synthesize and compose ye in a simple and effective manner the heavenly principles and present them to the listeners in meetings and gatherings. Through the ideal glad-tidings and the lordly suggestions breathe ye a new spirit into the hearts of the friends of God and encourage and incite them in the promotion of the word of God. Convey to all the friends my longing greeting, especially his honor Mr. George Latimer.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)