
To the maid-servant of God, Miss MacCutcheon

Upon her be greeting and praise!

Thy letter was received. On account of the death of thy father and brother the utmost sorrow and regret was produced. How unfortunate it is that that young man was killed instantly by the sudden shock! But his spirit flew from this world into the world beyond and the spirit of thy father soared toward the heavenly realm. Be thou not sad or unhappy for these two heavenly birds flew toward the rose-garden of eternity and attained to the infinite immensity of the Kingdom. Although those two lamps were extinguished in the earthly glass yet they became the enkindled lamps in the everlasting lamp of the Kingdom. At this moment they are in the utmost state of joy and happiness and so they shall be throughout all eternity. Consequently do thou not grieve nor be thou dispirited.

Convey my longing greeting to all the friends of God.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 19, March 2, 1917)