
For Germany: To the friends of God (Revealed to Mrs. Alice Schwarz, Stuttgart)

Upon them be greeting and praise!

O ye true friends and ye who are firm in the love of God!

Although it has been a long time since I have written you a letter of any kind, the heart and soul were nevertheless in constant communication, and I supplicated to the Kingdom of Abha that you might be protected and preserved.

Although the unrests of the world are limitless and boundless, my hope is nevertheless that they may end and the dark clouds disappear from the horizon of the universe and that the sun of peace and unity may shine above all horizons.

We must under no circumstances be prevented from praying and the mentioning of God. We must always be enraptured with the fire of the love of God, be attracted by His Knowledge and be heralds of His Words, so that His invisible confirmations like unto the breeze of dawn, become the cause of spiritual life.

Pray then, that the universe may become a new universe and this dark world a world of light.

Convey my greatest love and affection, greetings and praise to all the friends.

Upon ye all be greetings and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 17, January 19, 1917)