
To Dr. Zia Bagdadi and Zeenat Khanum (Mrs. Zia M. Bagdadi,) Chicago

O ye two doves of the nest of the Love of God! Although it is a long time that no news has reached us from you, yet we are continually thinking of you. You must at least send us a monthly post card giving us in brief the news of your health and safety and the spirituality of the friends of God. For this will become conducive to the happiness of the hearts. Praise be to God, that under the shade of divine Providence we are safe and enjoy good health, expressing our thanks at the threshold of the Almighty.

In the great Book, the divine Qur’an, God says: "If ye offer praise unto Me, I will increase My favors unto you." Therefore we have unloosened our tongues in continual thanksgiving, supplicating confirmation and assistance from the spirituality of His Holiness Muhammad, the Messenger of God—upon Him be praise. We are likewise praying for your success and prosperity. The mother of thy respected wife, her brothers and sister are all well and in good health.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 10, September 8, 1916)