
To Mr. Bannerjee, the founder of the Devalaya Society in Calcutta, India

O thou wooer of Reality!

His Highness the Merciful One hath caused the appearance of the splendors of love and affinity in the world of humanity, so that the individuals of mankind might be perfectly united and the rays of unity be revealed amongst the children of man. Hence He sent forth the holy Manifestations, inspired Their hearts with the contexts of the heavenly books and instituted divine religions, in order that These sanctified Personages, these revealed books, these religions of God might become the means of unity and accord, love and good fellowship in the human world.

Should we study the divine religions with the perception of truth, we would then conclude that their underlying principle is the One Reality. All the religions of God are the reality. Reality does not accept multiplicity and division. But alas! that the fundamental reality is laid aside and forgotten and a catalogue of creeds, dogmas and rites have taken its place which are the basis of difference, the cause of hatred and prejudice and the establishment of the religion of God is totally forgotten and quite neglected.

When this impenetrable gloom—that is, the gloom of the traditions of forefathers and ancestors—surrounded the world and the pristine, primal light of the divine religions was changed into the darkness of the ideas of men, then the true morn dawned and the Sun of Reality (Baha’u’llah) arose from the horizon of Persia, reflecting in the mirror of the world of humanity the effulgence of the heavenly unity. Thus He destroyed the foundations of the structure of blind dogmas, and man-made creeds and rituals which are the results of ignorant prejudices. It is owing to this fact that this Light is spreading with the greatest rapidity in all the countries of the world. The influence of these divine teachings in the heart of the world is like the influence of the spirit over the bodies.

Consequently, through the breaths of this divine spirit, the followers of the different religions in Persia have rent asunder the veil of superstitions, are freed from the effect of unenlightened doctrines and have attained to the Beloved of Reality. These antagonistic faiths are united with the bond of perfect love and amity. For this reason great meetings are organized, in which are represented Mohammedans, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Turks, Arabs, Parsees, Persians, Kurds, English, French and Americans, who associate and mingle with each other as brothers. Like the sheep of God they are grazing in the meadow of truth under the protecting staff of the heavenly Shepherd.

Shouldst thou reflect with the insight of reality, thou wilt observe that these antiquated and superannuated dogmas have ever been the cause of massacre and carnage amongst the nations and peoples.

As this cycle is the cycle of sciences, there must needs be new teachings, a new revelation is required and a new life is wanted. The minds and hearts refute the veracity of ancient opinions. New ideals are called for and new principles are urgently demanded which may fill the requirements of this age, be as the spirit of this century and as the light of this period.

Search, labor, investigate, work and show extraordinary effort, so that the center of the light of Reality, like unto the witness of love, may become revealed in the assemblages of mankind. Arise thou with such heavenly power and such divine confirmation as to move and stir that great continent of India.

Upon thee be greeting and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 4, May 17, 1916)