
"The Orb of the Covenant"

He is God!

O thou whom my heart addresses!

Know thou, verily, The Covenant is an Orb which shines and gleams forth unto the universe. Verily, its light will dispel darkness, its sea will cast out the thick froth of suspicions upon the shore of perdition. Verily, naught in the world can ever resist the Power of the Kingdom. Should all mankind assemble, could they prevent the sun from its light, the winds from their blowing, the clouds from their showers, the mountains from their firmness or the stars from their beaming? No! By thy Lord, the Clement! Everything (in the world) is subject to corruption; but the Covenant of thy Lord shall continue to pervade all regions.

Address thou the waverers and say: "Have ye forgotten that which transpired in the time of Christ? Are ye not informed of the events which took place in His blessed Day? Did not the Pharisees rise against Him? Did they not give verdict to the shedding of His blood, to the murder of His friends and to oppressing His chosen ones? Have ye not heard concerning the heretics, the violators of His Covenant (who appeared) after Him? Are ye not informed of those kings, princes, learned and prominent men who persecuted Him? Did ye not see what has been the end of the persecutors?"

And do thou advise them and illumine their inmost part, and say unto them: "By God, the True One! Verily, ‘Abdu’l-Baha is assisted by the Beauty of Abha who helps him with a Power whereunto all the heads are made humble. You shall surely find the banner of hypocrisy reversed, the foundations of discord demolished and the Standards of Peace and Harmony waving throughout all regions!"


To the beloved of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful in Stuttgart and Esslingen, Germany

Upon them be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God!

O ye dear sons and beloved daughters of ‘Abdu’l-Baha!

When the days that I was your associate and intimate, pass before the mind, the heart is stirred into cheerfulness. What blessed days they were! What radiant nights they were! They will never be forgotten.

With the memory of you every morning I arise and every evening I raise the song of supplication toward the Kingdom of Abha and beg assistance and confirmation for you. I hope that, in Stuttgart, the Ensign of Signs may become unfurled, and the fire of the love of God may send forth such flames as will enlighten all around; that each one of those blessed souls may become like unto a lamp diffusing the light of guidance in all directions.

I send to those parts his honor, Mirza Ali Akbar, and his honor, Mirza Lotfullah, that they may associate with the friends, convey to them the yearnings of the heart of ‘Abdu’l-Baha and explain the degrees of the powers of the Covenant and the importance of the Center of the Testament. These two persons are very blessed.

Assuredly the believers shall obtain joy and happiness through meeting them. Know ye this, that today the greatest of all affairs is obedience to the Center of God's Covenant; the power of the Covenant shall stir the regions, and the spirit of the Covenant shall resuscitate.

Therefore, all the believers, in all the meetings and gatherings, must mention the Covenant and raise the song of the Covenant.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas  (Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 9, August 20, 1913)


To the maid-servant of God, Mrs. Harriet Cline of Los Angeles, California

Upon her be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God!

O thou beloved maid-servant of God!

Thy letter was received. It was an indication that thou art spending thy days in the commemoration of the Blessed Perfection, and art firm and steadfast in the Covenant and Testament and art holding fast to the "Strong Rope."

Today firmness in the Covenant is the means of the promotion of the Word of God, and conducive to the effect of the word of man. Any explanation which does not accord with the Covenant will have no effect whatsoever. Therefore, whosoever herald the Covenant of God, unquestionably he is confirmed.

This has been tried a thousand times. Any soul who violates the Covenant and Testament the least degree, immediately he is cut off; even in this material world he will become afflicted with remorse and regret. Consequently, as much as ye are able, call the people to the Covenant and make the souls firm and steadfast.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas  (Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 5, June 5, 1913)


Tablet to Miss Harriet M. Wise

He is God!

O thou who host turned thy face towards the Kingdom!

I read what thou hadst written. Know thou that there is in the world of existence a Center, for each great matter, and bounties shower from that Center. For instance, in the circle of the sun, the sun is the center of the light. Likewise there is a real Center for pure Love and now that Center is manifest in this world, from which the Lights of Love reflect to all parts of the Universe.

If thou partake but one ray from that Center, thou wouldst become sell-sufficient from the world, finding a new condition and witnessing an exaltation which overshadows all the existence.

Pray God that thou mayest catch with all thy exertion the Lights of Love from that Center.

Upon thee be greetings and praise!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

September 5, 1905  (Star of the West, vol. 4, no. 4, May 17, 1913)


Tablet from 'Abdu'l-Baha to the Friends in the Orient

O Friends of God! O spiritual companions!

The Lord of the peoples of the world declares in the beneficent Qur’an: "And there is for you in the Prophet of God a good example": That is to say, to follow His Holiness is a good example and to imitate that Real Leader is the means of acquiring success in both of the worlds. The followers of the Prophet were commanded to follow Him in all affairs and manners, and when some individuals, having recognized this safe path as the Straight Road, traveled therein, they became Kings in the Land of the Righteous and the Kingdom of the Elect.

And those souls who tried to acquire comfort with ease, deprived themselves of all bounties and perished in the lowest ditch of despair. Their days came to an end and their happiness terminated. Their bright morn became dark, and their transparent cup became full of dregs and rust. Their uprising star descended, and their bright luminary set.

But those pure souls who followed (in the footsteps of the Prophet) shone in the Highest Horizon as the Stars of Guidance and arose from the Dawning-place of hopes with matchless brilliancy. They sat on the Throne of the Kingdom of Eternity and rested on the couch of Divine Success. Their traces are clear and their lights brilliant; their star is luminous and their attendants are the armies of angels of the Heavens of Immortality. Their palace is firm and their edifice is strong. Their light is illumining the world and their heat is confirming the world.

Now judge for yourselves: Those souls who followed in the wake of that Manifest Light acquired such bounties and stations! If we now follow in the footsteps of the Most Glorious Beauty (Baha’u’llah) and the most Exalted Majesty (the Báb) - may my life be a sacrifice for those who suffered martyrdom in Their path - what would be the result?


To his honor Mr. Charles Mason Remey, Washington, D. C.

Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!

O thou illumined youth and my spiritual beloved!

Thy letter was received and its perusal imparted happiness impossible to describe. It was an indication of the loftiness of thy nature, the strength of thy effort and the purity of thy intentions. ‘Abdu’l-Baha's happiness is caused by such matters.

If the material luxuries of the whole earth were available to ‘Abdu’l-Baba, He would not think for one moment that there is such a thing as comfort and luxury in the world. But when a soul-perfuming fragrance wafts from the rose-garden of the hearts of the friends to the nostrils of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, such joy is realized that involuntarily I render thanksgiving unto the Blessed Perfection Who has trained such servants.

In brief, your letter imparted to me the utmost happiness. This thought of yours is very appropriate.[1] I hope that a new quickening may be produced in the hearts of the believers, and great firmness and steadfastness become manifest, that this may lead to the guidance of others.

Therefore, with a divine power, a heavenly resolution and purpose, an eloquent tongue and a heart overflowing with the Love of God, take in thy hands the Tablets and travel throughout the cities, even as far as Honolulu in Hawaii. Travel thou in all the American cities. Call everyone to firmness in the Covenant! Exhilarate every one with the spiritual wine of the Covenant! And guide everyone to the diffusion of the fragrance of GOD! Raise the cry of ‘Ya-Baha’u’l-Abha!’ and call the name of "Ya-Ali’u’l-Alá [2]

Awaken the friends, for ere long a test shall come. Perchance some persons outwardly firm and inwardly wavering shall come to those parts in order to weaken the faith of the friends in the Covenant of God. Let them be awake! Let them be mindful! As soon as they see a trace of violation of the Covenant, they must hold aloof from the violator. Day and night let them strive so that the Lights of the Kingdom of Abha may encircle the globe and the darkness of error may entirely be dispelled...

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas  (Star of the West, vol.4, no.3, April 28, 1913)

[1] *Referring to a letter telling of the spiritual awakening among the people caused by ‘Abdu’l-Baha's visit in America.

[2] “O Thou the Exalted, the Most Exalted”. A form of the name of the Báb, used as an invocation.


To the Believers of God and the Maidservants of the Merciful throughout the World

Upon them be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God!

O ye spiritual friends of Abdu'l-Baha!

"Perfume Thou the East! Illumine Thou the West! Bestow Thou light to the North! Grant Thou life to the South!” This verse bath been revealed from the lips of the Center of the Covenant one year after the departure of Baha’u’llah. But the Nakazeen [the Covenant-breakers] (not understanding its spiritual purport) wondered and derided. Praise be to God! that now its signs have become manifest, its powers evident, and its proof plain. Thanks be unto Him! that the East and the West are stirred into cheerfulness, and through the Holy Fragrances all directions are perfumed.

The Blessed Perfection, in a clear text, hath promised us in the Book: "Verily I behold you from the horizon of Abha and will make victorious whomsoever will arise in the service of my Cause with the hosts of the Supreme Concourse and the cohorts of the favored angels." Praise be to God! that this victory and confirmation became visible and manifest and hath shone forth from the horizon of the world like unto the sun.

Therefore, O ye friends of God! Show ye forth an earnest endeavor and display ye a resolute effort, so that ye may become assisted in the adoration of the Ancient Beauty and the Manifest Light; to be the cause of spreading the light of the Sun of Truth; to infuse into the dead, antiquated body of the world a new spirit; to cast in the fields of the hearts pure seeds; to arise in the service of the Cause; to speak with eloquent tongues; to become candles of guidance in the assemblage of the world; to become shining stars in the horizon of the existent being; to become merciful birds in the rose garden of oneness; to sing the melodies of realities and significances; to spend every breath of your existence in the service of this conspicuous light; so that in the end ye may be freed from loss and failure and attain to the inexhaustible treasury of the Kingdom.

For the life of man is wholly subject to danger and impermanency. A person cannot put his assurance even in one moment's continuity Notwithstanding this, the nations of the world, deceived by the mirage of superstition, imagine themselves secure in the heavenly way. Alas! Alas! Former communities in bygone ages entertained the same perishing thoughts; but by one of those periodical fluctuations they were all hidden under the ground, and afflicted with deprivation and loss, except those souls who had become pure evanescence and had arisen with a great self-abnegation in the path of God. Such souls shine forth as brilliant stars from the horizon of the Ancient Glory, and the results which emanated from their lives in succeeding ages and cycles are the proofs of this statement. Therefore, do not ye rest, neither day nor night; seek not ye for composure; talk ye of the mystery of servitude, and seek ye the path of thralldom; so that through the promised confirmations ye may receive assistance from the Kingdom of Oneness.


Message to Baha’is throughout the world

God, the Maker of the worlds, hath created the realm of humanity to be the Paradise of Eden (or the Garden of Paradise) if the edifice of Peace, Reconciliation, Love, and Faithfulness is founded on a solid and firm basis; nay, rather, He bath willed it to become the mirror, reflecting the Delectable Paradise. Then, and not until then, will all the divine bounties become manifold; happiness and wellbeing infinite; the virtues of the world of humanity revealed and resplendent; and the rays of the Sun of Reality visible from every direction.

Consider that his holiness Adam and others were living in Paradise. But as soon as strife became known between Him and Satan, everyone was driven away from Eden, so that the children of humanity might learn a lesson and realize that quarrels and strife, even though with Satan, are conducive to deprivation.

Therefore, in this radiant century, according to the heavenly teachings, altercation and dispute are not allowable, even though assailed by Satan himself.

Astonishing is it, that notwithstanding the inculcation of this lesson, yet man bas remained ignorant. From one end of the world to the other, the realm of humanity is engaged in hostilities and war. There is enmity between the religions. There is hatred between the classes. There is war between the fatherlands. There is contention between the diplomats. How delightful it would now be could these black clouds be dispersed from the horizon of the world, letting the light of Reality shine; the dust of slaughter and the crime of shedding blood be swept away; the breeze of providence from the Dawning Place of Peace and Salvation be wafted; thus the world would become a new world, and the face of the earth receive new life from the rays of the divinely effulgent light of God.


Through Mirza Mohammed Yazdi, Alexandria, to the friends of God in Stuttgart.

Upon them be the Glory of God!

He is God!

O my true friends!

The friends on their return from Stuttgart are praising all the friends of the Merciful in that city, saying: Praise be to God! that the friends are in utmost attachment and are ignited by the Fire of the Love of God. They are occupied in naught but the Divine commemoration. And also the contents of your letter proved your great love.

It seems that the Light of the Sun of Truth will shine powerfully in Stuttgart and all over Germany; the Breath of the Holy Spirit will show forth a great result, and the Bounty of the Word of God will spread over all.

I give you the Glad tidings that your advancement in the Divine Kingdom will be great and that the Doors of the Kingdom are opened to all the people of Germany.

Who will embrace it first? I hope that the called ones of Germany may become the chosen ones.

Therefore you should seek no rest; nay rather endeavor day and night to guide the people, to give sight to the blind, to give life to the dead and to grant Everlasting Life.

Upon you be the Glory of God!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 17, January 19, 1912)


Through Mirza Yuhanna Dawud, London, to the maidservant of God, Margaret Doring, Stuttgart

He is God!

O daughter of the Kingdom!

Your letter arrived, and its contents showed that Mr. Gregory, by visiting the blessed Tomb, hath received a new power, and obtained a new life. When he arrived at Stuttgart, although black of color, yet he shone as a bright light in the meeting of the friends. Verily, he hath greatly advanced in this journey, he received another life and obtained another power. When he returned, Gregory was quite another Gregory. He hath become a new creation. Reflect on the Grace of the Kingdom of Abha and see how it enlightened such a person. It has made him spiritual, heavenly, divine and a manifester of the graces of the world of humanity. This man shall progress.

Thank God that you esteem Miss Knobloch, because she was the cause of your guidance. With weeping and supplication I ask from the Kingdom of Abha, that He may vouchsafe heavenly blessings upon your father, mother, sisters and brothers; and graciously enlighten Frl. Schaffer, Frl. Andrassy and Frau. Kusterer with the Light of Guidance.

Convey my greetings to Herr Kruttner, and Herr Richard Bauerle. I supplicate to the Divine Glory, and ask for them bright hearts, merciful spirits, seeing eyes and hearing ears.

I ask God to make you a firm rooted, verdant and fruitful tree in the Paradise of Abha…

Upon thee be the Glory of the Most Glorious!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 17, January 19, 1912)


To the friends in Stuttgart: Frau Maria Schweizer, Erl. Margarethe Doring, Erl. Louise Warnke, Erl. Julie Stabler, Herrn Friedrich Schweizer, Frau Henrietta Kusterer, Erl. Anna Kostlin, Frau Anna Seifert, Frau Sofia Stabler, Frau Alma S. Knobloch, Harrn Emil Ruoff and son Erwin

Upon them be the Glory of the Most Glorious!

O friends and maidservants of the Merciful!

Thanks be to God! that you have been gathered together and celebrated the birthday of the Báb with much joy and amity and were engaged in remembering God.

From the rose garden of that meeting a beautiful fragrance has reached to the nostrils of these friends, and the light of God's love hath shone; therefore, it was a cause of delighting the hearts of these friends. I ask God, by His infinite mercy, that such meetings may be held often.

Likewise, that the entertainment every nineteen days may become current among you; so that the friends and maidservants of the Merciful may be engaged in praising and remembering God and singing to Him, and may become the cause of guiding the people.

Upon you all be the Glory of the Most Glorious!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 17, January 19, 1912)


To a believer

He is God!

O servant of the True One!

What thou hadst written was known. It was a clear evidence of thy thoughtfulness and mindfulness in the Cause of the most Merciful One. I supplicate God that thou mayest at every moment advance in the grades of divine love and devotion, spiritual attraction and merciful sentiments; and be benevolent and a comfort to both friends and strangers.

It is mentioned in the Gospel that a man called His Holiness, Christ, "Good Master.'' His Holiness said unto him, ''Why callest thou Me good? None is good save One, that is God." So ‘Abdu'l-Baha wishes a sin covering eye and conceals the people's faults as far as possible; for he considers himself incapable and deficient in the Servitude of the Lord. Therefore, being engaged in his own short comings, he does not care about the sins of others, but always asks remission and forgiveness for them, and seeks bounty and grace in their behalf.

If a fault is committed by someone and I treat him with kindness, this is not on account of my negligence; but as I acknowledge my own short comings and am cognizant of my own state, I do not show any opposition to others.

It is recorded in the Gospel that an adulteress was brought to the presence of Jesus Christ and confessed her sin. Those present asked Him why He did not command her to be stoned, He said, he who does not deserve a legal punishment, that is to say, ''he that is without sin,'' may get up and stone the adulteress. All of them looking upon themselves found themselves sinful, and "went out one by one."


To the friends of God and the maidservants of the Merciful in America

He is God!

O ye friends of God and the beloved maidservants of the True One!

‘Abdu'l-Baha has the utmost longing to meet you, but now he is obliged to return to the East, for he has promised many friends and they having traveled a long way, will be disappointed if the meeting is not brought about.

Therefore, he has returned to Egypt and hopes that during the next spring no obstacle may arise, so that with infinite joy and fragrance he may hasten to America to meet the friends, to unfurl the banner of rejoicing, to spread the Glad Tidings of the Kingdom of Abha, to illumine the meetings and gatherings with the Rays of the Sun of Truth, to perfume the nostrils with the Fragrances of Holiness, to impart gladness and delight to the hearts, to attract the souls to the Realms of Might, to grant the outpouring of the Holy Spirit so that in this nether world the congregation of the Righteous Ones may be firmly established.

Glad Tidings! Glad Tidings! The bounties of the Most Great Name are descending. Glad Tidings! Glad Tidings! The Lights of the Kingdom of Abha are shining. Glad Tidings! Glad Tidings! The Doors of Heaven are opened and the call of the Kingdom is raised.

Upon you be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 16, December 31, 1911)


To Claudia Stuart Coles, Washington, D.C.

Through Zia Effendi, Chicago Upon him be Baha’u’llah to Claudia Stuart Coles, Washington, D.C.

Upon her be Baha’u’llah

He is God!

O thou who art enkindled by the fire of the love of God!

Verily, I have perused thy beautiful letter of wonderful composition, which proveth thy firmness, assurance and steadfastness in the faith; and thy singing the verses of holiness to thy Merciful Lord. Blessed art thou from this great gift. Joy be unto thee from this vast providence.

Know thou that the building of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar is the greatest foundation in those regions. God said in the Koran, ''It is those who believed in God, and the Last Day, shall build the Temples of God." It is incumbent upon thee and upon all, to put forth the best effort in these days, in building this glorious Temple; raising the tumult of commemorations therein, the wing of the night, at dawn, and at eventide. It is incumbent upon ye (men and women) to be united, in this great Cause, so that ye may be confirmed by the Divine Bounty, and Merciful Spirit; become increased with energy and power; gain a recompense, and estimation. I implore God, and supplicate Him to make your feet firm in the straight path, and in the upright way.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 16, December 31, 1911)


To the maid servant of God, Mrs. Ella Goodall Cooper

Upon her be Baha’u’l-Abha!

O thou who art attracted to the Kingdom of God!

Thy detailed letter was received. Its perusal produced the utmost happiness, for it evidenced the fact that thou hast attained to the knowledge of the reality of tests; that tests endured in the path of God are conducive to confirmation; nay, rather, they are heavenly powers and the bounties of the Realm of Might. But to weak believers tests are trials and examination, for, on account of the weakness of their faith and assurance they fall into difficulties and vicissitudes. However, to those souls who are firm and steadfast, tests are the greatest favors.

Consider thou that at the time of an examination in sciences and arts, the dull and lazy pupil finds himself in calamity. But to the intelligent and sagacious student examination in learning produces honor and infinite happiness. Alloyed gold, subjected to the fire, portrays its baseness, while the intensity of the flame enhances the beauty of pure gold.

Therefore, tests to the weak souls are calamity and to the veiled ones the cause of their disgrace and humiliation. The point is This, that in the path of Truth every difficulty is made plain and every trial is the matchless bounty. Therefore, the believers of God and the maid servants of the Merciful must not relax during trial and no disaster must deter their service in the Cause of God. …

You have written that upon your return yon have compiled whatever yon saw and heard (at Acca) and you have received the invisible assistance, that the teachings, which were like invisible seeds, have sprung to life and verdancy, spreading branches and leaves and producing blossoms and fruit. Indeed what you have written is true.


To his honor Mr. C. C. Philips, the Secretary of the Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration

He is God!

O thou perfect man!

The Conference on International Arbitration and Peace is the greatest results of this great age. This brilliant century has no likeness and similitude in the history of man. From every standpoint it is distinguished above all other centuries. It is specialized with such excellencies that the shining star of the heavenly confirmations shall gleam from the horizon of this century upon all the future cyces and periods. One of the most extraordinary events of this time, which indeed is a miracle, is the founding of the oneness of this realm of humanity and its essential branches, such as Universal Peace and the unity of the different nations, in this arena of existence.

Persia was at one time the center of religious difference, antagonism and oppression, to such an extent that pen is unable to describe. The adherents of different nations and religions considered it their religious duty to shed the blood of their opponents; they pillaged and ransacked each other’s property and did not fall short of oppressing their own flesh and blood. The hatred between the various religions attained to such a height that they considered each other unclean. Should a Jew enter a Mohammedan home, he would be made to sit upon the ground; if he drank water from a cup, that cup was destroyed or washed again and again; for the Jew was considered unclean. Such was the hatred and rancor among the different religions and nations in Persia.


To his honor, Mr. Albert Smiley, the founder of the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration

May God assist him!
He is God!

O thou great and respected personage!

The details of the Conference of Peace and Arbitration which is organized under your presidency has been read in the papers of the East and the West and the utmost joy and fragrance was produced; that, praise be to God, in the continent of America, under the presidency of a glorious personage, the Conference of International Peace is convened. Today in the world of existence there is no more important and greater cause than this for it is conducive to the promotion of happiness in the commonwealth of humanity and is the cause of tranquility of all the nations and countries and the prosperity of the individuals of the human world. What cause is greater than this! It is evident that it has the utmost importance nay, rather, it will be the cause of the illumination of the East and the West and the reason for the manifestation of the Countenance and the Face of God in the world of humanity and the appearance of infinite affections. Therefore, although this longing one has no acquaintance with your honor, but this great cause and this eminent effort of yours became the cause of my having infinite love for you while absent. Consequently I am engaged in writing you this epistle.

The matter of international peace was instituted by His Highness Baha’u’llah, sixty years ago in Persia in the year of 1851 A.D. From That time innumerable epistles and tablets were spread first in Persia and then in other parts of the world, until about fifty years ago He clearly stated this matter of universal peace in the Book of Aqdas and has commanded all the Baha’is to serve faithfully with heart and soul in this great cause, give up their possessions and wealth for it and sacrifice their lives in case of necessity. He has taught them to spread the unity of nations and religions and proclaim in all the regions of the world the oneness of the kingdom of humanity.


To all friends of Abha in America

Upon them be the Glory of God!

O friends of Baha'u'llah!

Your letters reached me and were read with great joy. Praise be to God, that they are the proofs of faith and assurance in the Kingdom Abha. They are witnesses of firmness and steadfastness and earnest supplication.

His Highness Jesus says if the Promised One manifests in the East, His signs will appear in the West. Now give thanks to God that as the Great Sun arose in the East, His Brilliant Light shone upon the West arid brightened the western world. Therefore you must give a thousand thanks every moment that though you were apparently very far off, in reality you were near.

A blind person cannot see the sun though near, but eyes with sight can see it from a thousand miles' distance. For this the Great Almighty be praised, that in the far west the nostrils are perfumed by the Holy Fragrance.

Appreciate this Bounty, be happy and joyful for this Divine boundless Bounty. With great love you have asked for the presence of ‘Abdu'l-Baha in America, I also greatly wish to go to the friends and see their interesting faces. But during this journey I have no time. I must go back to the East, this is according to wisdom. Therefore with great regret and sorrow at separation I am obliged to return. If it pleases God next year I will take a journey towards the West so that I may engage myself in seeing the faces of the friends, in proclaiming the Word of God and in spreading the Divine Fragrance and the calling of the Kingdom of God in the great meetings and assemblies.

If you only knew in what condition of tumult and excitement of longing is the soul and heart of ‘Abdu’l-Baha to see you, then surely, because of the greatness of your happiness you would express your joy in music and song and engage yourselves in the melodies of the Supreme Court in worshiping and praising Almighty God.

Upon you be the Glory of Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no.4, November 4, 1911)


The Star of the West Magazine in the hands of non-Baha’is in Rasht, Persia

In regard to the STAR OF THE WEST which in Rasht fell into the hands of strangers. There was a wisdom in this. It will have great effect in the future. The editors of the newspapers are mistaken. The literature of the Baha’is has encircled the world and not alone Persia. The derision and the scorn of the editors of the newspapers will be the cause of their own undoing and regret. They must loosen their tongues in thankfulness and praise and glorification that Praise be to God Persia has found such influence in America that a magazine like unto the STAR OF THE WEST is founded. This behooveth them to be thankful and not complain. This is the cause of the glory of Persia and the Persians and not their shame. How long this community does not behold the wonders and miracles of Thy Lord!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Extract from a Tablet to a believer in Iran; Star of the West vol., 2, no. 10, September 8, 1911)


To "the Members of the Assembly of ‘Abdu'l-Baha, San Francisco, California"

Through the maid servant of God, Mrs. Helen S. Goodall, to the Members of the Assembly of ‘Abdu'l-Baha, San Francisco, California.

He is God!

O ye faithful friends!

The maid servant of the Kingdom of Baha’u’llah has written the joyful news that the friends in that region have established an Assembly, have engaged in the spreading of the teachings of God and have arisen with the utmost endeavor, sincerity of intention, and enkindling with the fire of the Love of God so that that country may become a main spring of the signs, and that city become illumined, and a number of souls like stars of the Horizon of Holiness may shine in the assemblage of the Kingdom of man (humanity).

This Assembly was organized at the right time. It is my hope that it may become a magnet of confirmation. If it remains firm and steadfast this Assembly will become so illumined that it will be a full, refulgent moon in the Horizon of everlasting Glory.

Report and write to me the services which are accomplished by this Assembly so that they may become the cause of spiritual happiness and joy to the heart.

Upon thee be the Glory of God!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West vol, 2, no. 10, September 8, 1911)