
The Star of the West Magazine in the hands of non-Baha’is in Rasht, Persia

In regard to the STAR OF THE WEST which in Rasht fell into the hands of strangers. There was a wisdom in this. It will have great effect in the future. The editors of the newspapers are mistaken. The literature of the Baha’is has encircled the world and not alone Persia. The derision and the scorn of the editors of the newspapers will be the cause of their own undoing and regret. They must loosen their tongues in thankfulness and praise and glorification that Praise be to God Persia has found such influence in America that a magazine like unto the STAR OF THE WEST is founded. This behooveth them to be thankful and not complain. This is the cause of the glory of Persia and the Persians and not their shame. How long this community does not behold the wonders and miracles of Thy Lord!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Extract from a Tablet to a believer in Iran; Star of the West vol., 2, no. 10, September 8, 1911)