
To the friends in Stuttgart: Frau Maria Schweizer, Erl. Margarethe Doring, Erl. Louise Warnke, Erl. Julie Stabler, Herrn Friedrich Schweizer, Frau Henrietta Kusterer, Erl. Anna Kostlin, Frau Anna Seifert, Frau Sofia Stabler, Frau Alma S. Knobloch, Harrn Emil Ruoff and son Erwin

Upon them be the Glory of the Most Glorious!

O friends and maidservants of the Merciful!

Thanks be to God! that you have been gathered together and celebrated the birthday of the Báb with much joy and amity and were engaged in remembering God.

From the rose garden of that meeting a beautiful fragrance has reached to the nostrils of these friends, and the light of God's love hath shone; therefore, it was a cause of delighting the hearts of these friends. I ask God, by His infinite mercy, that such meetings may be held often.

Likewise, that the entertainment every nineteen days may become current among you; so that the friends and maidservants of the Merciful may be engaged in praising and remembering God and singing to Him, and may become the cause of guiding the people.

Upon you all be the Glory of the Most Glorious!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas

(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 17, January 19, 1912)


To a believer

He is God!

O servant of the True One!

What thou hadst written was known. It was a clear evidence of thy thoughtfulness and mindfulness in the Cause of the most Merciful One. I supplicate God that thou mayest at every moment advance in the grades of divine love and devotion, spiritual attraction and merciful sentiments; and be benevolent and a comfort to both friends and strangers.

It is mentioned in the Gospel that a man called His Holiness, Christ, "Good Master.'' His Holiness said unto him, ''Why callest thou Me good? None is good save One, that is God." So ‘Abdu'l-Baha wishes a sin covering eye and conceals the people's faults as far as possible; for he considers himself incapable and deficient in the Servitude of the Lord. Therefore, being engaged in his own short comings, he does not care about the sins of others, but always asks remission and forgiveness for them, and seeks bounty and grace in their behalf.

If a fault is committed by someone and I treat him with kindness, this is not on account of my negligence; but as I acknowledge my own short comings and am cognizant of my own state, I do not show any opposition to others.

It is recorded in the Gospel that an adulteress was brought to the presence of Jesus Christ and confessed her sin. Those present asked Him why He did not command her to be stoned, He said, he who does not deserve a legal punishment, that is to say, ''he that is without sin,'' may get up and stone the adulteress. All of them looking upon themselves found themselves sinful, and "went out one by one."