
To "the Officers of the Persian-American Educational Society through Mirza Ahmad Sohrab"

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!
He Is God
O ye who are favored in the Threshold of the Almighty and the lovers of His Holiness, Baha’u’llah!

According to the reports of his honor Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, in these days the Persian-American Educational Society is organized in America and the friends of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful with the utmost zeal and enthusiasm are engaged in the solidarity of this Society. If possible, change the name of this Society to Persian-American Interdependence Society so that in the future it may include all points, such as commerce, industry and education so that spiritual and material results and benefits might be produced. Now in the beginning it may find no importance in the eyes of some of the people but in the future it will attain to world-wide celebrity and it will indicate that -- Praise be to God -- at this early period the friends have directed their thoughts to this most important subject. Should the circle of this Society be widely extended and its various branches well organized and systematized it will remain firm and become established and if its members arise with perfect unity and agreement, know ye of a certainty that at the end it will become the greatest Society of the world, produce inexhaustible results and benefits, become the tree of the oneness of the realm of humanity and cast its all-encircling shade over the people of the East and the West. But firmness and firmness, steadfastness and steadfastness is necessary. This Society must be so organized and in the course of time its various policies so well defined, that since the beginning of the world until now no such association has ever been founded. This must become the first society embracing such universal aims and objects. ‘Abdu’l-Baha with the utmost supplication and contemplation towards the Kingdom of Abha, prays in your behalf and begs confirmation and assistance.

Blessed is the Oriental-Occidental Interdependence Society! If it is organized in a befitting manner it will be productive of great results; otherwise it will be fruitless and profitless.

Long live this Society! Long live this Society! Undoubtedly at the beginning of every month a report of this Society should be sent to this Holy Land.

O Thou Almighty! Illumine Thou this Association and make Thou this gathering the bright candle of the world! For their intention is for the public good and their aim is Service to humankind.

O kind and compassionate God! Such a Society merits Thy Favors and such a Body deserves inexhaustible Bounty and Providence.

Verily, Thou art Powerful, Mighty and Omnipotent and, verily, Thou art the Peerless and Incomparable God!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, Vol. 1, No. 5, June 5, 1910)