
"O ye merciful friends and the respected spiritual maid-servants!"

He Is God
Your blessed photograph[1] was received and studied. It imparted unmeasurable happiness. Praise be to God! that the faces are illumined, the hearts are the rose-gardens of the love of God and the spirits are rejoiced through the divine Glad-tidings. Thank ye God that ye have assembled your likenesses upon one page. All of you are the sons and daughters of the Kingdom, are in perfect harmony and united, attracted and enkindled.
Just as these bodies are assembled together, so the hearts are attuned with the music of heaven and the souls enraptured with the melody of Truth. Ye are all waves of one sea, rays of one sun, trees of one orchard and flowers of one garden. The power of the Kingdom hath assembled you together, and I hope that you may become assisted in such wise as to raise the canopy of the oneness of the kingdom of humanity, to unfurl the banner of love and kindness among the sons of men, to perfume the nostrils with the Fragrances of the Paradise of Abha and to illumine the hearts of the people of the world with the splendors of the Sun of Truth.
Upon ye be Baha’ul-Abha!
(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 1, no. 6, June 24, 1910)

[1] Refers to the photograph taken of the committee gathered to examine the plans submitted by architects for the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar, at the residence of Mrs. Corinne True, Chicago, August 1, 1909.