The confirmation of the Kingdom of Abha shall descend uninterruptedly upon those souls who are firm in the Covenant. Thou hast well observed that every firm one is assisted and aided and every violator is degraded, humiliated and lost. It is very astonishing that people are not admonished. They have observed how Mirza Mohamed Ali on account of the violation of the Covenant descended to the lowest degree of humiliation, and yet they do not become mindful. They have seen how others through disobedience to the Testament have fallen into a well of degradation, and yet they are not awakened. This Covenant is the Covenant of His Holiness, Baha'u'llah. Now its importance is not known befittingly; but in the future it shall attain to such a degree of importance that if a king violates to the extent of one atom he shall be cut off immediately.
Consider that during the life of Christ—May my life be a sacrifice to Him!—His Cause had no importance whatsoever; nay, rather the people scoffed and ridiculed Him, and according to the text of the Gospel they called Him Beezlebub. Now you can see the importance which it had later.
Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(From a Tablet to Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, New York City,
translated on August 2, 1913; Star of the West, vol. 6, no.12, October 16,