Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!
He is God
O thou propagator of the Religion of God!
A few days ago an epistle was written thee. Although I have not much time, yet I immediately give an answer to thy letter (written to Mirza Ahmad Sohrab) so that thou mayst know how my heart is attached to thee. Truly I say in the Cause of God thou art sincere. Thou hast no other object save the good-pleasure of the Lord, and hast consecrated all thy time to the service of the Kingdom of God. On this account I have the utmost love for thee.
Praise be to God, that the problem of meetings is solved, and there is no more any cause for dispute. Now the believers must engage their time in teaching the Cause of God, and in the meeting no discussion should be carried on save the Cause of God. The members of the Baha’i Assemblies must be infinitely kind towards each other and all their deliberations must be concerning the Kingdom of Abha. Promiscuous discussion must be discountenanced, for these things will become the means of the lukewarmness and apathy of those who are present. The Candles of all the meetings must be the mention of God, the propagation of the Cause of God, the exposition of divine proofs and the elucidation of the principles of His Holiness Baha’u’llah. When this condition is obtained, the meeting will become heavenly, celestial, godlike, illumined and the means of the guidance of the erring ones. It will yield most great results.
O thou servant of His Holiness Baha’u’llah! Inform all the believers that perhaps a number of calumnious articles will be sent to those parts by the people of doubts. The aim of such articles is to cause the wavering of the friends in The Covenant and the Testament. Therefore, they should not take notice of these articles, nay, rather, return them to the senders, accompanied with concise, full and sweeping answers—that we are firm in The Covenant and the servants of the Blessed Perfection. We do not give ear to such hearsays and incoherent statements. We have turned our faces to the Center of the Covenant in accord with the incontrovertible Commands of Baha’u’llah, the Text of the Book of Aqdas and the Text of the Tablet of the Covenant. We have nothing to do with the people of doubts.
(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 9, August 20, 1914)