O my spiritual friend! Does thou know from what airs emanate
the notes sung by those birds? They are from the melodies of peace and
reconciliation, of love and unity, of justice and security, of concord and
harmony. In a short time this heavenly singing will intoxicate all humanity;
the foundations of enmity shall be destroyed; unity and affection shall be
witnessed in every assembly; and lovers of the love of God at these great
festivals shall behold their splendor.
Therefore, contemplate what a spirit of life God hath given
that the body of the whole earth may attain life everlasting! The Paradise of
Abha will soon spread a pavilion from the Pole-star of the world, under whose
shelter the beloved shall rejoice and the pure hearts shall repose in peace.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a
Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 19, March 2, 1916)