[Revealed in 1913]
He is God!
O thou esteemed and kind friend!
After journeying throughout the United States of America,
and the great capitals and metropolis of Europe, I have returned to the East.
With the results of this journey I am most pleased and well satisfied because I
met noble people and associated with worthy souls, who are in reality the cause
of honour and glory to the world of humanity. They were learned and wise,
well-informed of the realities of events and the well-wishers of the human
world, especially the advocates of universal peace.
In these days the world of humanity is afflicted with a chronic
disease. It is one of bloodshed, the destruction of the divine edifice, the
demolition of cities and villages, the slaughter of the noble youths of the
world of humanity, children becoming orphans and women homeless and
shelterless. What calumny is greater than this? What crime is more heinous than
this? What disease is more dangerous than this? What folly is more direful than
Consider that in former days there were only religious wars,
but now there are racial and political wars fought at staggering expense and
sacrifice. A thousand times alas for this ignorance, this bloodthirstiness and
ferocity! I became pleased with and grateful to the societies which are
organized in the West for the promotion of universal peace, and with whose
presidents, officers and members I frequently conversed. I hope that the sphere
of the activities of these societies may become from day to day enlarged; so
that the lights of the higher ideals may illumine all regions, the oneness of
the world of humanity be proclaimed in the East and in the West, and the world
of humanity may attain to composure and well-being. These revered souls who are
the servants of the world of humanity and the promoters of the cause of
universal peace shall ere long shine like brilliant stars from the horizon of
mankind, flooding the regions with their glorious lights.
In the past century freedom was proclaimed, and the
foundation of liberty was laid in all the western countries. Praise be to God
that the sun of justice shone forth and the darkness of despotism and tyranny
Now in this radiant century in which the world of humanity
is being matured it is assured that the Flag of Universal Peace shall become
unfurled and shall wave over all regions of the globe. This is the most great
principle of Baha'u'llah, for the promotion of which all the Bahais are ready
to sacrifice their possessions and their lives.
Notwithstanding my bodily weakness and infirmity, I have
traveled East and West for the last three years. In every temple I cried out
and before every audience I raised my voice for the enlistment of their
sympathy. I declared the evils of war, and explained the benefits of Universal
Peace. I elucidated the causes which lead to the honor and glory of the world
of humanity, and told them of the ferocity and bloodthirstiness of the animal
kingdom. I showed the defects of the world of nature and made an exposition of
the means whereby the illumination of the world of humanity is fully realized.
I unfolded and caused the appearance of the foundation of the divine religions,
and proclaimed the teachings of His Holiness Baha’u’llah. I demonstrated the
existence of God by irrefutable, rational proofs, and proved the validity of
all the prophets of God. I gave utterance to my inmost conviction that the
reality of the religion of God is the cause of the life of the world of
humanity; it is divine civilization and pure enlightenment.
By the explanation of all these principles my object has
been no other than the promotion of Universal Peace. Praise be to God that I
found hearing ears, observed seeing eyes, and discovered informed hearts.
Therefore, I am well pleased with this journey.
But on the other hand the well-wishers of the world of
humanity and the advocates of universal peace must make an extraordinary
forward movement, organize important international congresses, and invite as
delegates most progressive and influential souls from all parts of the world;
so that through their wise counsels and deliberations this ideal of Universal
Peace may leap out of the world of words into the arena of actuality and
practical demonstration. It is true that this question is of paramount
importance, and will not he realized easily. However, we must take hold of
every means until the desired result is obtained.
Fifty years ago whosoever talked about Universal Peace was
not only ridiculed but called a visionary and utopian. Now praise be to God
that at this time it has assumed such importance that everyone acknowledges
that this question of Universal Peace is the light and spirit of this age. But
they state that the pathway to this much desired goal is obstructed by a number
of not clearly defined stumbling blocks, which, however, can be removed by
intelligently and persistently educating public opinion.
I hope the noble leaders of the world of humanity who are
the divine bestowals among the people, and the means of pacification among the
nations, will arise with the utmost of effort and whole hearted resolution to
extinguish this world raging conflagration, especially now that the blood of
innocent people is freely shed in the Balkan States, the lamentations and
moaning of the orphans are reaching to the very gate of heaven, and the
disconsolate cries and harrowing agonies of the mothers penetrate our souls
with the irresistible force of human tragedy. Thus through the endeavors of
these guardians of the rights of mankind the world of creation may enjoy the
repose of conciliation, the banner of Universal Peace be unfurled, the
tabernacle of the oneness of the world of humanity be pitched, all mankind be
gathered under its protecting shade, and the shining star of the eternal falcon
and happiness of the world of humanity may dawn with the utmost of brilliancy
from the horizon of international comity, and the luminous orb of the spiritual
brotherhood of all races and tongues may illumine that united gathering of
humanity with the ineffable lights of God throughout countless ages and cycles.
(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas,
July 19, 1913, Port Said, Egypt
(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 8, August 1, 1914)