
To the Star of the West

He Is God

O thou Star of the West!

Be thou happy! Be thou happy! Shouldst thou continue to remain firm and eternal, ere long thou shalt become the Star of the East and shalt spread in every country and clime. Thou art the first paper of the Baha’is which is organized in the country of America. Although for the present thy subscribers are limited, thy form is small and thy voice weak, yet shouldst thou stand unshakable, become the object of the attention of the friends and the center of the generosity of the leaders of the faith who are firm in the Covenant, in the future thy subscribers will become hosts after hosts like unto the waves of the sea; thy volume will increase, thy arena will become vast and spacious and thy voice and fame will be raised and become world- wide -- and at last thou shalt become the first paper of the world of humanity. Yet all these depend upon firmness, firmness, firmness!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 1, no. 17, January 19, 1911)