
To Adolph M. Dahl, Pittsburgh, Pa.

He is God!

O thou servant of God!

Thy letter was received. Praise be to Cod, that the call of the Kingdom of Abha reached Pittsburgh. Should the friends of God show firmness and steadfastness, the ray of the light of the Kingdom of Abha will shine and that state and city will become illuminated.

Endeavor thou that thou mayest study the Persian language thoroughly, so that thou mayest read the Tablets of Baha’u’llah and comprehend their meanings.

In reality, if someone should go to the Netherlands and engage in teaching the Truth great results would follow. Although such a person cannot be found for the present, yet before long he shall be discovered.

I supplicate and entreat at the Kingdom of Abha and ask heavenly confirmation for thee. Perchance, God willing, at some future date we may meet each other.

Upon thee be the Glory of God!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West vol, 2, no. 10, September 8, 1911)


To Anna M. Dali, Pittsburgh, Pa.

He is God!

O thou seeker of Truth!

Thy letter was received and thy thankfulness became evident. Glorification of God is the cause of attraction of confirmation and draws down the bounties of the Glorious Lord. Therefore the glances of the providence of the True One shall ere long encircle all the family. I pray God that Pittsburgh may be blessed. It is not permitted to distribute Baha’i pamphlets and literature through the streets and markets. On account of the lack of time a brief answer is given.

Upon thee be the Glory of God!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West vol, 2, no. 10, September 8, 1911)


To Mohammad Ali Khan, Teheran, Persia

He is God!

O thou intimate companion!

The flame of reformation is ignited in the heart and soul of Persia and the spirit of every real reformer is longing for better conditions. For Persia is sick and is suffering with intense agony. But the children of the East are abiding under the shade of the banner of discord and are completely heedless and veiled. Now, what remedy can be applied? The sick Persia is flying away from the physician; nay, rather that thirsty one is depriving himself of the sea of the salubrious water of health. Therefore, this exiled one has found no other alternative than to turn his face towards the West and raise the melody of the Kingdom; for to a certain degree the insight of the people in those parts is open and they are familiar and associate with reason and understanding. When Joseph found that his envious brothers and his jealous relations and friends were heedless and unmindful, he unveiled his face in the market of the Egyptians so that in exile he might destroy the foundation of strangeness and raise the banner of unity. Therefore, it is the aim of this exiled one, that, God willing, he may become the Herald and carry the glad tidings of the Kingdom to the empires of the West. Perchance the splendor of the Beauty of the real Joseph - the Most Great Name - May my life be a sacrifice to Him! – may shine from the countries of the Occident; and I beg of God that the glances of mercifulness may assist.

I hope that the bounties of the True One may become realized in thee, but it is conditional upon thy serving the Real Master and living in accord with the manners and behavior of the real Baha’is and showing the utmost sincerity and beauty of intention.

Upon thee be the Glory of God!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Bha Abbas
(Star of the West vol, 2, no. 10, September 8, 1911)


To the attracted maid servant of God Miss Juliet Thompson, upon her be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God!

O thou daughter of the Kingdom! Thy letter was received and its contents became evident.

If America attains to the capacity of the Presence of ‘Abdu'l-Baha, I will travel to that country and all the difficulties shall be solved.

There is no doubt that the tests are severe. The more a soul resists and shows firmness and steadfastness, the greater will be his progress, and he shall soar to the sublimest heights of the Kingdom.

O thou daughter of the Kingdom! Thou hast expressed the hope of my Presence in America. It depends upon capacity and merit.

O thou who art attracted to the fragrances of God! Endeavor thou as far as thou canst to become the cause of the unity and harmony amongst the believers of God…

Announce on my behalf to Mrs. Mae Nut: "I do not forget thee and my beloved friend, Mr. MacNutt, for one breath; nay, ratter, I beg continually for your divine confirmations and supreme assistance."

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, nos. 7 and 8, August 1, 1911)


To Thornton Chase

Through Mirza Ahmad to Mr. Thornton Chase.
Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He is God!

O thou herald of the Kingdom!

I received thy two letters, an old one and one of recent date, and both of them were read with the utmost attention. Praise be to God! that thou didst not waver before the tests; nay, rather, thou didst remain firm and steadfast. When the tree sends down its roots into the bowels of the earth, then it will bring forth blossoms and fruits. Now, Praise be to God! that in this day of Kingdom thou art firm and steadfast. Rest thou assured that thou wilt become the recipient of confirmation and assistance, and the object of infinite bounties.

Thou hast asked about the statement in the Hidden Words, which reads: "Son of Spirit! Turn thy face so that thou mayest find Me within thee, Powerful, Mighty and Supreme." This is the statement to which His Holiness, the Christ, referred His apostles in the Gospel, saying, "The Father is in the Son, and the Son is in you.

This is evident that, when the hearts are purfied and through divine education and heavenly teachings become the manifestors of infinite perfections; they are like clear mirrors, and the Sun of Truth will reflect with might, power and omnipotence in such a mirror, and to such an extent that whatever is brought before it is illumined and ignited. This is a brief interpretation because of the lack of time. Therefore, do thou reflect and ponder over it so that the doors of significance may be opened before thine eyes.

In regard to the philosophy of the Theosophists, these people have borrowed some remarks and statements from the heavenly books, but they have not attained to the Reality. Notwithstanding this, they have made these appearances the foundation of their faith and religion. However, the reality of the question of Unify is this:


Four Questions and Answers

[Questions sent by Professor Cairns, Edinburgh, June 24th, 1910
  • 1. Is it right to speak of the Bab and of Baha'u'llah as Manifestations, or as Incarnations?
  • 2. Do the Baha’is teach the doctrine of reincarnation”
  • 3. Did Baha'u'llah claim to supersede the Revelation of Jesus, the Christ?
  • 4. Did Baha’u’llah claim to be greater than Jesus, the Christ?]
Answers by ‘Abdu'l-Baha, Haifa, July 20th, 1910

O daughter of the Kingdom!

Your letter has arrived. Its contents caused spiritual happiness and heartfelt gladness. I wish to answer in detail, but at present my health is not very strong; I am fatigued, so am obliged to write in short. When I feel better, I will write at length, for verily, you are occupied with the work of the Kingdom and are serving the world of humanity, and therefore are worthy of correspondence.

Now I will write shortly:


“pray thou that harmony may be created so that your country may find the capacity for the Presence of ‘Abdu’l-Baha”

Thy letter was received and read. Thou hast invited me to America, saying: "In that region and in that country there are many fragrant and colored flowers; likewise there are thorns and thistles; but ‘Abdu’l-Baha should not look upon the thistles of the desert. He must hasten to that country for the sake the flowers." This simile is very beautiful; but when a gardener invites a man to his garden, first he will arrange all the flowers with the utmost elegance, beauty and art, then he will invite his guest. Moreover, there are differences among the flowers. Therefore pray thou that harmony may be created so that your country may find the capacity for the Presence of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. I have the utmost yearning to meet all of you; but unless the conditions which have been previously mentioned are realized, my trip to those parts would be difficult, for it would produce no results.

I hope that all the friends and the maid-servants of the Merciful may be united with each other, so that ‘Abdu’l-Baha without any cloud may travel from the East to the West. It is hoped that this unity may become realized.

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 6, June 24, 1911)


Mission of the American believers

Thy mission in America for the present is this: Thou must travel as far as possible to every part and pass through cities and towns, summoning everyone to the Beauty of Abha raising the Call of the Kingdom and proclaiming at the top of thy voice:

A hundred thousand glad tidings be upon ye that the Sun of the Reality of the Beauty of Abha hath shone forth from the Horizon of the Contingent Being and hath illumined the regions with the lights of the Most Great Guidance. The realities of the Old Testament and the Gospel are already fulfilled and the Mysteries of the Heavenly Books have become manifest. This is the century of the Merciful One and the Period of Joy and Gladness.

O ye heedless ones, become mindful!
O ye sleeping ones, be awakened!
O ye blind ones, become seeing!
O ye deaf ones, become hearing!
O ye dumb ones, become speakers!
O ye dead ones, become living!
O ye deprived ones, take a portion!

This is the effulgence of the Merciful and the moving of the Depthless Sea. This is the outpouring of the wonderful new springtime and the falling of the showers of the Bounty of the Most Great Lord!

This is thy mission.

‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 7, no. 1, March 21, 1916)


The Promised Age

This period of time is the Promised Age, the assembling of the human race to the “Resurrection Day”, and now is the great “Day of Judgement”. Soon the whole world, as in spring-time, will change its garb. The turning and falling of the autumn leaves is past; the bleakness of the winter-time is over. The new year hath appeared and the spiritual spring-time is at hand. The black earth is becoming a verdant garden; the deserts and mountains are teeming with red flowers; from the borders of wilderness the tall grasses are standing like advance guards before the cypress and jessamine trees; while the birds are singing among the rose branches like angels in the highest heavens, announcing the glad tidings of the approach of that spiritual spring, and the sweet music of their voices is causing the real essence of all things to move and quiver.

O my spiritual friend! Does thou know from what airs emanate the notes sung by those birds? They are from the melodies of peace and reconciliation, of love and unity, of justice and security, of concord and harmony. In a short time this heavenly singing will intoxicate all humanity; the foundations of enmity shall be destroyed; unity and affection shall be witnessed in every assembly; and lovers of the love of God at these great festivals shall behold their splendor.

Therefore, contemplate what a spirit of life God hath given that the body of the whole earth may attain life everlasting! The Paradise of Abha will soon spread a pavilion from the Pole-star of the world, under whose shelter the beloved shall rejoice and the pure hearts shall repose in peace.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a Tablet; Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 19, March 2, 1916)


To the friends of God in the East and the West

Upon them be Baha’u’l-Abha!

O ye people of the Kingdom of Abha!

There are two influences tending toward prosperity and progress which emanate from the forefront of advancement of the world of humanity. They remind the negligent, awaken them that sleep, give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, power of utterance to the mutes and life to the dead.

One is the influence of civilization - that development of the world of nature that concerns the material life of man. It promotes physical advancement and cultivates the social virtues. The laws and deductions of science, so indispensable to progress, are the product of the lofty thoughts of sound minds, the accumulated results of the efforts of ancient and modern scholars. The most effective power for the promotion and dissemination of this influence is just government.

The other is the divine influence, the holy and spiritual revelations, which insure eternal glory, everlasting happiness, the illumination of the world, the appearance of merciful phenomena in the world of humanity, and perpetual life. The fundamental basis thereof is the teachings and the precepts of the prophets, the dictates and attraction of the conscience, which belong to the realm of morality. Like unto the lamp they illuminate and brighten the depths and recesses of human realities. the effective power of this the Word of God.
But the advancement of civilization, material perfections and human virtues will bear no fruit or result unless joined to the spiritual perfections; merciful qualities and sound morals, and the happiness of the human world, which is the original goal, will not be attained. For although through the advancement of civilization and the adornment and refinement of the material world, happiness is realized, and the sight of hopes fulfilled in perfect beauty wins the heart, yet, concomitantly, great dangers, severe ordeals and awful catastrophes are involved.


Tablet revealed for Sheikh Ali Akbar Goochani

Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!

O thou firm one in the Covenant!

Thy letter addressed to his honor Mirza Hayder Ali was noted and from its contents regret was experienced because our intention was to prepare the means of tranquility; now it has produced difficulties and you are greatly troubled; but as these troubles are in the path of God it is in reality a favor and will have great results.

Since this is so, it is better that with the utmost cheerfulness and happiness you bid farewell to the friends (saying): I am going on a journey to teach that perchance I may be confirmed in servitude and perhaps the cup of martyrdom may overflow. As in this region the giving up of life is not attainable, therefore it is necessary to hasten to other parts.

Then go to Ishkabad and a letter will be written to Hazrat-i-Afnan to prepare the necessities of the journey to send you to Isfahan because in Isfahan the people are crying aloud for teachers and I hope that you may attain to a great and distinguished service on this journey. From Isfahan you may hasten to Abadeh and Shiraz and from there to the shores of the Persian gulf and the journey may be ended at the blessed tomb.

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 7, July 13, 1915)


From a Tablet to Corinne True, Chicago, Illinois

Now it is hoped that the believers of God may show magnanimity and raise a great sum for the building so that the foundation of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar may be laid, and perchance, God willing, the corner stone of the foundation may be laid by the hands of Abdul Baha.

This confirmation will descend upon the people of America if they will arise and endeavor with great courage to establish union and harmony, so that every trace of difference may be uprooted and they may all become as one heart and one soul.

Convey the wonderful Abha greeting to all the friends and the maid servants of the Merciful. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Star of the West, vol. 6, no. 1, March 21, 1915)


To Mason Remey

To his honor Mr. Remey

Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!

O thou who art rejoiced by the Divine Glad tidings!

Verily I have received thy last letter, and thanked God that than didst reach Paris protected and guarded by Him. Thank thou God that He assisted thee to behold the brilliant faces of the believers of God, and favored thee to meet them in American countries; for verily, beholding those shining countenances is a divine gift. By it, the hearts are dilated, the souls are rejoiced, and the spirits are attracted toward the Supreme Concourse.

Do not lament over the departure of my dearly beloved Breakwell. For verily, he has ascended to the luminous Rose-Garden in the Abha Kingdom, near the mercy of his Lord, the Almighty, and is crying out with the loudest voice: "0 that my people knew how my Lord hath forgiven me, and made me one of those who have attained to the meeting of God!"

O my dearly beloved! O Breakwell! Thou hast been a divine bird, and forsaking thy earthly nest, thou hast soared toward the Holy Rose-gardens of the Divine kingdom and obtained a Luminous Station, there!

O my dearly beloved! O Breakwell! Verily thou art like unto the birds chanting the verses of thy Lord, the Forgiving, for thou wert a thankful servant; therefore thou hast entered (in the Realm Beyond) with joy and happiness!


To Daniel Jenkyn

Through his honor Mirza Ali Akbar Rafsanjani to his honor Mr. Daniel Jenkyn.

Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!

O thou who art confirmed by the Divine Spirit!

A thousand times bravo because thou didst forego the physical comfort and rest in order to proclaim the glad tidings of the heavenly illumination. Thou didst gird up the loins of service and traveled to Holland to diffuse the Fragrances of God. Shouldst thou realize how blessed is this trip, unquestionably thou wouldst not rest for one moment, and uninterruptedly thou wouldst engage in the promotion of the Cause of the Almighty. Thou didst well to hasten from London to Holland.

With his heart and spirit ‘Abdu'l-Baha was thy guide and companion. Although in body he was far, yet in spirit he was near. I hope from the bestowals of the Lord of Hosts, His Holiness the Promised One, that this voyage may assume the importance of the voyage of Peter and Paul when the latter went to Antioch. Consider what important results that voyage had. Now the results of thy journey will be greater than that. Know thou this of a certainty

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 19, March 2, 1915)


To Daniel Jenkyn

Through Aga Mirza Lutfu’llah Hakim, London, to Mr. Daniel Jenkyn.
Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!

O thou who art attracted to the Truth!

Many of the philosophers of the world and the great men of different nations wished to attain the Truth, but they were deprived. Then praise thou God that thou hast reached to the essence of the Truth and thou hast heard the proclamation of the Kingdom and the teachings of the Lord of Hosts. Through this great favor thou hast prospered and become victorious.

I pray, on thy behalf, that thou mayest become the proclaimer of God in that city, that thou mayest awake the sleepers and warn the negligent; that thou mayest become lighted like a torch and bestow the light of guidance.

Upon thee be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 19, March 2, 1915)