
Four Questions and Answers

[Questions sent by Professor Cairns, Edinburgh, June 24th, 1910
  • 1. Is it right to speak of the Bab and of Baha'u'llah as Manifestations, or as Incarnations?
  • 2. Do the Baha’is teach the doctrine of reincarnation”
  • 3. Did Baha'u'llah claim to supersede the Revelation of Jesus, the Christ?
  • 4. Did Baha’u’llah claim to be greater than Jesus, the Christ?]
Answers by ‘Abdu'l-Baha, Haifa, July 20th, 1910

O daughter of the Kingdom!

Your letter has arrived. Its contents caused spiritual happiness and heartfelt gladness. I wish to answer in detail, but at present my health is not very strong; I am fatigued, so am obliged to write in short. When I feel better, I will write at length, for verily, you are occupied with the work of the Kingdom and are serving the world of humanity, and therefore are worthy of correspondence.

Now I will write shortly: