Praise be to God: The United States has in reality made
extraordinary progress; day by day they are advancing toward the ultimate goal!
The material virtues of the people are many; now they must think of the ideal
virtues, so that the highest of the perfections of humanity may illumine the
regions of America.
Among the highest virtues is universal peace, the oneness of
humanity. The chief ailment of humanity today is international strife; this
militates against the advancement of the material and ideal virtues.
The continent of America is isolated so far as other
countries are concerned; the government is not thinking of making conquests, of
enlarging the circle of colonization. They are not thinking to contend with
other nations so far as financial, commercial and political supremacy is
concerned. They are not the rival of any other nation. Their utmost desire is
this: That the continent of America be protected.
They are engaged in the amelioration of internal conditions;
they are not engaged in warfare with any nation. Therefore, they have the time
and ability to raise the standard of universal peace and spread the doctrine of
the oneness of God. May their influence spread and permeate to all parts of the