
Message to Bahá'ís throughout the world -- A New Year's greeting

God, the Maker of the worlds, hath created the realm of humanity to be the Paradise of Eden (or the Garden of Paradise) if the edifice of Peace, Reconciliation, Love, and Faithfulness is founded on a solid and firm basis; nay, rather, He hath willed it to become the mirror, reflecting the Delectable Paradise.  Then, and not until then, will all the divine bounties become manifold; happiness and well-being infinite; the virtues of the world of humanity revealed and resplendent; and the rays of the Sun of Reality visible from every direction.

Consider that His holiness Adam and others were living in Paradise. But as soon as strife became known between him and Satan, every one was driven away from Eden, so that the children of humanity might learn a lesson and realize that quarrels and strife, even though with Satan, are conducive to deprivation.

Therefore, in this radiant century, according to the heavenly teachings, altercation and dispute are not allowable, even though assailed by Satan himself.


To Mr. Wafa Kinney, New York City

Upon him be Bahá'u'l-Abhá

He Is God!

O thou who art firm in the Covenant!

Thy letter was received and its contents perused with the utmost of attention.

Convey infinite love and kindness on my behalf to ... and say to him: Praise be to God that He hath chosen thee from amongst the ministers so that thou may’st hearken to the call of the Kingdom of God, listen to the heavenly Melody, behold the Light of Reality, act according to the advices of His Holiness the Christ, promulgate the principles of Bahá'u'lláh, become the cause of the illumination of the world of humanity and be ordained as the high priest of the Church of the Kingdom. All the ministers will be submerged under one of those periodic waves of the earth, leaving behind no name and no trace, but thou shalt unfurl the standard of spirituality in the heavenly universe of Heaven, extolling and magnifying the Lord of mankind with the music of the Kingdom. Thank thou God that thou hast attained to this most great Bestowal.