
To the friends of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful [in America]

Upon them be Bahá'u'l-Abhá!
He Is God!

O ye friends and the maidservants of the Merciful!

When the deposed Sultán of the Ottoman Empire, 'Abdu'l-Hamíd, arose in tyranny and oppression, 'Abdu'l-Bahá was incarcerated in the prison of 'Akká and was surrounded with the utmost surveillance of police, detectives and men of the Secret Service. The door of communication was entirely closed and the means of correspondence was prevented. If any soul approached the house he was searched; nay, rather, threatened with dire persecution. The affairs reached to such a degree that, not being satisfied with these restrictions, the Sultán sent an oppressive investigating Commission, so that with all kinds of wiles, simulations, slander and fabrication of false stories they might fasten some guilt upon 'Abdu'l-Bahá in order that he might crucify Him, or cast Him into the sea, or banish Him into the heart of the distant and unknown Sahara of Feyzan [Africa]. That oppressive investigating Commission exercised its rights with tyranny and passed the sentence that 'Abdu'l-Bahá merited all kinds of persecution. Finally they decided to send Him to Feyzan, and when they cabled this decision to the palace of 'Abdu'l-Hamíd, an answer was received that the matter of Feyzan was approved by the Imperial Order. Then that unjust investigating Commission returned to Constantinople. They were in the midst of the sea when the cannon of God boomed forth before the palace of 'Abdu'l-Hamíd, a charge of dynamite was exploded, a number of people were killed, 'Abdu'l-Hamíd fled into the interior of his residence, difficulties and trials surrounded him, and incidents and events developed rapidly. Therefore he did not find the opportunity to oppress 'Abdu'l-Bahá; public revolution was started, which ended in his deposition, and the Hand of Divine Power released the neck of 'Abdu'l-Bahá from the chains of the prison of Joseph and the fetters and manacles were placed around the unblessed neck of 'Abdu'l-Hamíd. Be ye admonished, O ye people of insight!


Extract from a Tablet to the friends in Khurásán, Persia

The news of the attraction of the hearts of the believers of God ignited the candle of happiness and created spiritual joy. 'Abdu'l-Bahá travelled to the land of Joseph of Canaan and became well known in the servitude of the Holy Threshold. Although the attack of the sects and the false rumours and statements in the newspapers are intense, yet it is my hope that this journey may become fruitful and the Voice and Summons of the Cause of God may move these regions; some seeds may be sown and watered and be assisted by the downpour of the rain of the Mercy of the Almighty. Assuredly they will grow and become green and verdant.

Praise be to God! that through the Bounty and Favour of the Most Great Name - May my life he a sacrifice to His believers - the Voice of the Cause of God is raised in all countries and the Fame and Melody of the Word of God is spread in every region. In these days the Cause of God is progressing and advancing in America, and in Asia there is the clamour of Turk and Tajik. The Bahá'ís have founded an English newspaper in the capital of Japan, which is edited and circulated by his honour, the learned Professor Báriku'l-Alláh, of India. Some of the American believers are expecting to make a trip to China and Manchuria so that they may raise the Voice of the Kingdom in those parts, and in Europe and Asia the Trumpet of the Supreme Concourse is heard.


To Mr. Arthur S. Agnew, Chicago Ill.

Upon him be Baha’u’l-Abha!

He Is God

O Thou Servant of the Beauty of Abha!

I received thy letter and the books that thou hadst sent have been received. Convey, on my behalf, most wonderful Abha, greetings unto Mr. Albert R. Windust, Miss Gertrude Buikema and Miss Mary Lesch. During hours of leisure, when in the middle of the night I engage in supplications, I shall beg for assistance and favor in their behalf. Indeed, they have made a great effort in the printing and publication of the Letters (i.e. Tablets) [1]

As to the difference between the natural (i.e. physical or material) civilization which is in the present day in force, and the Divine civilization which shall be of the results of The House of Justice: The material civilization prevents and safeguards people from committing evil deeds, through the force of the laws of retaliation and correction. Thus, you see how prohibitory laws and rules of correction are constantly in circulation and yet, by no means, any (adequate) law of retribution is to be found; and in all the cities of Europe and America spacious prison buildings have been founded and established for correcting and punishing the criminals.


To the Editors of the Star of the West

O ye Editors of the Star of the West

Your letter was received and your effort became known. I hope that, day by day, you may add to your effort and give importance to this newspaper, for it shall progress step by step and shall attain to the praiseworthy station.

The detailed Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha in regard to Exhortations and Education are many. Ask for them and print them in the paper. You have permission. Whenever, in the future, detailed Tablets are written, copies will be sent to you for publication.

Upon ye be Baha’u’l-Abha!

(Signed) ‘Abdu’l-Baha Abbas
(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 2, April 9, 1911)